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Jul 9th 2019
Just FYI (and this is ALL COMPLETELY TRUE), Epstein had CDs labeled "misc nudes 1" & "girl pics nude" on them because not only is he a Boomer who still owns CDs, but he's also a fucking pedophile rapist who needs to rot in prison, along with anyone who helped him. 1/14

Until now, he has been. Way back when, his 13 month sentence in Florida was more of a vacay than prison. Because he got a ridiculous deal that exonerates anyone who was involved with Epstein in any way as an accessory to all that shit. 2/14
In addition, he was allowed to leave for 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. That's about the best jail experience you can have for fucking a kid. And he was only a Level 1 sex offender, the lowest and "least dangerous". He should've been Level 3. #epsteinindictment 3/14
Read 15 tweets
Jul 8th 2019
Forget Florida, what the hell was Epstein up to in Santa Fe? He had a giant $33 million dollar compound with his own airstrip and hangar, bought the property from the Governor and bought off almost every powerful Dem in New Mexico #epsteinindictment
His entire staff was sworn to secrecy, that's not creepy..
Governor Bill Richardson benefited from Epstein, he also happened to be Bill Clinton's Energy Secretary.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 8th 2019
Hey @LisaBloom why not call the @FBI and @SDNYnews about your client ā€œJane Doeā€ the one who accused DJT and Epstein of raping her as a teenager, you claimed she was too scared but now sheā€™s free to speak DO IT #epsteinindictment
The public deserves to know the truth, surely thatā€™s your goal. Many cite her claims over and over so they should be investigated, please encourage this @PattyArquette child rape is serious and shouldnā€™t be dismissed OR lied about. #EpstienArrested
Did she make it up or not @LisaBloom everyday someone claims @realDonaldTrump ā€œraped a 13 year oldā€ based on what YOUR CLIENT said @FBI @SDNYnews must investigate as Epstein was also accused.ā€¦
Read 3 tweets
Mar 13th 2019
President & co-founder of #NXIVM is expected to plead guilty 3/13 in federal court, where she is accused of RICO on behalf of the cult-like organization.
Raniere, Kathy Russell, Clare Bronfman (Seagram's heiress) & Allison Mack of "Smallville" await trial.ā€¦
Ran across this while investigating why #RayChandler was trending,
"#QAnon insinuating that she took a 2017 picture of Bill Clinton & registered child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein hanging out together in a pool"
#WhoIsQ ?
Who is Rachel Chandler?
I found it interesting that the article was published by
Mike Rothschild "a writer who specializes in researching & debunking conspiracy theories and fringe beliefs. He also writes about politics, history, & breaking news."
I feel like I have heard that name before...
#WhoIsQ ? Image
Read 29 tweets
Aug 4th 2018
The Reddit hack appears to be an inside job to compromise peoples identity for doxxing.
#Q Why would anyone want to hack Reddit?.. to steal recipes & open a restaurant?

MSM is working overtime to discredit #QArmy

Ask yourself, why??

The threat is real.ā€¦
Police in the city of Cartagena have arrested 18 people, including foreigners, hotel owners, police officers, a navy captain & a Colombian woman known as ā€˜Madameā€™. The underage girls, mostly from Colombia & Venezuela, are aged between 14 & 17
Follow the White Rabbit & Take a Dive w/ @RyanOlah2 as he brings Dark to Light
#Q Who is @realJeffreyP Jeffrey Peterson? How's he connected to NXIVM & the New Mexico Mafia?
Who is:
Janet Napolitano
Luis Ernesto Derbez
Maurice "Hank" Greenberg
#QAnon #QArmy
Read 74 tweets

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