Thread!! Big thread! Oh, coffee! Don’t go any further without coffee! This is an 80+ tweet thread about tax! People with goldfish-type attention spans, or people with no interest in tax or #Brexit need not even attempt. You have been warned!! There are three facets…
…to the “Brexit was about tax avoidance” conspiracy theories. We have “Brexit was brought in after the EU introduced the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive”, “Brexiteers want to keep details of their tax avoidance schemes secret from the EU” and “Brexit is about protecting…
…the UK’s tax havens. Did you know Mogg’s firm made £103million profit and paid zero tax?! Shocking!” The success of the conspiracy theory lies in the complexity of the truth. “The truth is out there” as they say. Well in this case, it’s in here. For the first time all…
…these facets are debunked in the same thread. It’s not too late to turn back you know? God bless you all and good luck! The number of “Brexit was about tax avoidance” posts has actually reduced a little, but it still rumbles on, and most recently a Professor of EU Law no…
…less tried to make the case. It is to be expected of David Lammy, James O’Brien, Terry Christian, but Professors of any kind of law, or lawyers, should know better than to repeat these theories without due regard to the context of the legislation – especially if it’s not…
…your field. To give remainers credit, many who had the time/patience/sheer boredom threshold to get through one of my threads have been quite gracious in admitting Brexit probably wasn’t about tax avoidance. Not all though! I’m just going to say from the outset (you…
…know it’s one of my threads when we’re still in the “outset” stage 7 tweets in) that nothing I say here is intended to deceive. I’m going to state a lot of facts, references to legislation, events etc – I don’t use a lot of links because I find too many spoils the…
…flow. If any aspect requires more evidence let me know – but everything is purposely pretty googleable. If you do google and find a material factual inaccuracy I will remove the entire thread. This is “Chappers’ Fact Guarantee”. The charge is “The referendum date was…
…announced just after the EU announced the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive.” And “Article 50 was invoked so that the UK would avoid the implementation of the Anti Tax Avoidance Directive in April 2019! You Brexiteers have all been conned!” Well, let’s leave…
…aside the fact that the effective date was January 1st 2019 and see who’s being conned by who. Let’s start by tackling that somewhat simplistic timeline. Jurisdictions have been collaborating on tax avoidance/evasion issues for decades, the Convention on Mutual…
…Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters was founded in 1988, the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes in 2000 and the Joint International Tax Shelter Information Centre (JITSIC) in 2004. The UK is involved in all three to…
…varying degrees. However, global co-operation on corporate tax avoidance that led to the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive, was a significant gear change and really began at the G20 summit in Los Cabos, Mexico, in June 2012, and perhaps even more so at the G20 Finance Minister…
…summit in November of the same year. At this summit the UK and Germany jointly agreed to combat Base Erosion and corporate tax avoidance, issuing a joint statement. Later, France also agreed to push for action. The EU, not surprisingly since its 3 dominant economies had…
…all already become involved, made its own statement in December 2012 – after the UK. Clearly, a policy which was initiated by the UK and Germany, was not the reason behind the UK wanting to hold a referendum. The UK happened to be President of the G8 in 2013 and so…
…included cross-border tax on the agenda for the May 2013 G8 meeting. Immediately following that meeting the OECD BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) Project was launched at the G20 in July 2013. Since the UK was pretty instrumental in starting the BEPS project, it is…
…clearly not something we’re going to jump through hoops to avoid happening, and indeed, as an OECD member in our own right and a leading advocate of BEPS, the UK is literally years ahead of the EU in implementing BEPS. So the timeline of events don’t actually…
…support the assertion that avoiding the new rules was a reason for holding the referendum. “Ah”, say the conspiracy theorists having not seen the ATAD, “that might be so, but it is DEFINITELY the reason why tax avoiders supported Brexit. The EU rules didn’t come in until…
…2019 so the UK didn’t already have these rules and anyway they go much further”. Do they? Well, let’s have a look – here’s the Directive.
It’s worth nothing from the outset (yes, still the outset. Do you want to know this stuff or not?) why the EU implemented this directive – it is quite clear from the preamble that it is implementing BEPS across the EU – you know the thing the UK helped kick off?
Anyway, whizz down, ignore all of Chapter 1, the measures themselves start with Ch II, Article 4 – Interest Limitation rule. There has been UK legislation already in this area for a number of years. We had the World Wide Debt Cap in TIOPA 2010 (Part 7) and elsewhere…
…we had Thin Cap rules in ICTA 1988 sch 28AA, but in 2017 we introduced the “Corporate Interest Restriction” to comply with BEPS Action 4, repealing the WWDC. Having debts means you have interest deductions which you can then use against your tax liability so…
…very basically these rules limit the deductions to 30% of your profits - or “EBITDA” if you want to be technical. It’s not illegal to have more than 30%, but it’s just that beyond this level the deductions are disallowed. The ATAD application of BEPS Action 4 is not…
…materially different – it’s essentially taken from the German model. You will find throughout BEPS, and other areas, that many of the initiatives are either UK or German. Next up in the ATAD is Article 5, “Exit taxation”. This is in UK law in TCGA 1992 s185-187. This is…
…to do with ensuring companies don’t just move assets outside the UK taking a chargeable gain with them – so you pay an Exit Charge. Now, there is an inconsistency here. In separate UK legislation, TMA 1970 Sch3ZB, there is an optional deferral period of 10 years, whereas…
…in ATAD Art 5(2) it specifically states it should be 5 years where the relocation is to an EEA member state. Since the UK has already implemented these measures, it won’t be surprising that some EU rules are different, and where they go beyond UK rules the UK would need…
…to amend the rules to be fully compliant with the ATAD. So, an amendment in the Finance Act 2019 includes a change to the deferral period – HMRC states the impact is “negligible” (which means under £5million). However! The Professor of EU Law seems to think that…
…this deferral period, and it’s restriction to EEA member states is more relevant than HMRC and I make out. To be clear, the deferral period has always been restricted to EEA member states – the original legislation from 1992 was amended in 2013 to include this deferral…
…period – at the insistence of the EU!! See National Grid Indus BV (C-371/10) (“NGI”). Whether the deferral period is 10 years or 5 years doesn’t raise another £1 in tax. If there is a Brexit change to come here it is that the deferral period for EEA relocations is…
…removed, and our Exit tax rules are restored to their pre-ECJ standard. Still awake? Don’t care…moving on. Article 6 is the General Anti Abuse Rule (GAAR). A GAAR means if an authority finds a scheme is designed to avoid tax, but is not contained in a specific or…
…“targeted” rule, it can nevertheless seek to disallow the deduction under the GAAR. The GAAR, in the Finance Act 2013 s206, was announced by George Osborne in the 2012 budget, before the EU announced anything. The GAAR isn’t in my view something that we should…
…seek to use very often, since it would indicate our targeted rules are rubbish. It’s just a backstop. However, for that one person still following if you look at the first sentence in Article 6(1) in the ATAD you will note the EU GAAR is limited to Corporate tax…
…liability – the UK GAAR is not. ATAD Articles 7 and 8 are about CFC rules – “Controlled Foreign Companies”. We’ve had CFC rules in the UK since 1984, and they can be found in TIOPA 2010 Part 9A. They are pretty complex, with a number of different gateways your…
…income flows through and if it flows through a gateway and doesn’t meet one of the exemptions on its way it will suffer a CFC charge. “What?” Yes, I know. Essentially, the idea is if a UK company controls a foreign company, then the profits of that foreign company can…
…flow through a gateway and be charged to the UK company, provided it doesn’t meet an exemption. “Ah, you mean a loophole!” Not really, the idea is that these rules are only ever used to be used where the arrangement is being used to avoid tax. So a French subsidiary of a…
…UK company would have an entity level exemption since the company is unlikely to be artificially shifting profits to its French subsidiary so it can suffer 33.33% corporation tax! Again, there were a couple of amendments necessary to UK legislation in the…
…Finance Bill 2019, to do with the definition of control including non-UK associated enterprises, but again HMRC determined the impact to the exchequer to be “negligible”. CFC rules are another great example of membership of the single market being…
…detrimental to our tax avoidance rules. If you still have the Directive open, find Article 7, para 2. The godsend for tax avoiding companies everywhere is this statement, “This point shall not apply where the controlled foreign company carries on…
…a substantive economic activity supported by staff, equipment, assets and premises, as evidenced by relevant facts and circumstances.” What does that mean? Well, as long as you have staff, sat indoors at computers in your Luxembourg subsidiary it does not matter that the…
…purpose of that subsidiary is to avoid UK tax. So, I want to book some very lucrative, profitable, taxable, contracts then that business can be directed to my Luxembourg/Irish subsidiary. Surely the EU are the good guys, sent to save us from tax avoidance not enable...
…it? Well, let's hear it from the EU – Cadbury Schweppes vs HMRC:
“…the establishment by a parent company of a subsidiary in another Member State for the purpose of enjoying the more favourable tax regime in that other State does not constitute, in itself, an abuse of freedom of establishment.”
Perhaps read that sentence a couple of times. “For the purpose”. This is the principle that is now in the Directive. You are absolutely free to have a subsidiary in Luxembourg/Ireland or any EU member state PURPOSELY to avoid domestic tax in the parent company’s…
…jurisdiction. So if you have some very lucrative, profitable, taxable, contracts then that business can be directed to my Luxembourg/Irish subsidiary. This is the reality of the impact of the EU on corporate tax avoidance. To those who wonder what the purpose of the…
…30,000 corporate lobbyists that reside in Brussels is, this will come as no surprise. RT if you’re still awake! You’re doing very well if you’ve got this far. Lastly, in the ATAD, we have the Hybrid Mismatch rules, which…
…are in UK law TIOPA 2010 Part 6A, and appear briefly in Article 9 of 2016/1164 EU, but substantively these are in “ATAD II” 2017/952 EU. These are to prevent the use of entity classification arbitrage between jurisdictions. Some people may…
…have heard of a “Double Irish with a Dutch sandwich” where you basically use a combination of domestic rules and treaty rules to create “stateless income” which doesn’t get taxed anywhere. These rules are designed to ensure that if an entity…
…isn’t taxed in one jurisdiction, it will be taxed in the other regardless of whether it is considered opaque/transparent etc. Again, the UK is going to amend the rules we have had since 2016 to accommodate the EU variances, and again this is allowed for in the…
…Finance Bill 2019 and again HMRC have deemed the impact negligible. If you’re interested the minor amendments can be found in the Finance Act 2019 attached. This should take you to ‘international matters’, the amendments are…
There will still be some die-hard conspiracy theorists who will state, “OK, but I bet they’ll get rid of these rules as soon as we leave”. Well, as I say, this is an OECD initiative, so as an OECD member in our own right we would have implemented any measures we didn’t…
…have anyway. Annex 4 of the Withdrawal Agreement contains a specific commitment to continue to implement these rules beyond transition. “Ah, what about no deal. This is what is intended, then we could just repeal the legislation!” Sure, the UK could repeal all…
…our tax legislation, leave the OECD, JITSIC and the rest of our international commitments and become an international pariah. Is that what is intended? If it is the intention then surely the Government would’ve repealed our current legislation and transposed the ATAD…
…in full as an EU directive, bringing it into scope of the Henry VIII clause in the EU Withdrawal Act? If it is the intention why did the Government introduce, without EU prompt, the Profit Diversion Compliance Facility in January? Bit of a waste of effort wasn’t it? If…
…the Government is intending on repealing tax avoidance legislation, why did it bring in new Profit Fragmentation laws from April this year? This one piece of legislation will, by some distance, raise more tax than all the amendments we had to make…
…to comply with ATAD combined! In reality, the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive is simply the EU implementing a global standard in a manner compatible with the Single Market. It has been said that the OECD BEPS Actions are not binding. This is true, but it’s not that…
…simple. The UK was one of the first signatories of the BEPS Multilateral Instrument (MLI). The MLI is designed to change thousands of bilateral tax treaties to include BEPS measures, such as Hybrid mismatch rules, without each treaty having to be separately amended. The UK…
…has one of the most extensive tax treaty networks in the World, which we have built up over time and which help the UK create cross-border investment opportunities, both inward and outward. Leaving the civilised world of international tax cooperation just isn’t going…
…to be on the agenda. In truth, the UK has some of the most advanced anti-tax avoidance legislation in the World. We are thought-leaders in the field, and it comes as no surprise that the rules the OECD, and the EU, have introduced are closely aligned with much…
…of what we already do anyway. “OK, OK, Chappers. Shut up now, we get it - Brexit wasn’t about the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive. It was more to do with the EU finding out about dodgy tax avoidance schemes. That was it. Definitely.” Was it? Really?...
The EU has introduced Mandatory Disclosure rules in an initiative called DAC6. Many remain supporters obviously fawn over these rules. This is basically why we need to stay in the EU because the UK alone would never introduce anything like this. As I say, the…
…more #FBPE amongst them may even say tax avoiders supported Brexit for this very reason. Don’t get me wrong, this is a very sound initiative – so let’s look at it more closely. This is the Directive:
Intermediaries/promoters and beneficiaries of tax avoidance scheme must disclose the scheme to their tax authorities. E.g., intermediaries must report “reportable cross-border arrangements with the competent authorities within 30 days”. The…
…original proposal was actually 5 days. But anyway, how do you know if you have a reportable scheme? Go down to Annex IV and it will describe the “Hallmarks” of a tax avoidance scheme. So if your scheme meets one of these Hallmarks, it needs to be reported. This is…
…amazing, right? There is no way the UK would do anything like this? Well, actually we introduced something called DoTAS (Disclosure of Tax Avoidance Schemes) 15 years ago. UK rules:
“Where a promoter is required to disclose he must do so within 5 days”. So the EU is doing something similar to the UK – probably a coincidence. Also, in the UK rules, “A tax arrangement should be disclosed where… …it is a hallmarked scheme by being…
…a tax arrangement that falls within any description (the ‘hallmarks’) prescribed…” Basically, the EU has introduced an existing UK initiative, and #FPBE, aided by the Guardian et al, say this is why the UK wants to leave! “Ah”, say the eagle-eyed remainers, “DAC 6…
…requires that information to be shared amongst all EU tax authorities. That sort of cross-border co-operation can only be achieved in the EU”. Again in 2004, the UK with the USA, Australia and Canada formed an organisation called JITSIC (which you will no doubt…
…recall from tweet 11, obvs) “to facilitate the ongoing work of tax administrations in countering abusive tax schemes and tax avoidance structures.” They basically shared intelligence and provided “administrations with an agile mechanism for…
…information exchange and collaboration”. That organisation now includes 38 tax authorities around the globe, including 19 EU member states, the USA, Japan, China, India – literally billions more people than captured within the EU. “OK, Chappers, so the UK did…
…this stuff anyway, but still, at least it shows the EU is a progressive organisation, proactively preventing tax avoidance.” Not really. When the UK founded JITSIC and introduced DoTAS we did so to combat tax avoidance independently – no-one told…
…us to. There was no international standard of mandatory disclosure schemes. The only reason the EU is introducing DAC6 now is because of the OECD BEPS Project – Action 12.
“OK, Chappers. You’re just avoiding the topic. Stephen Fry (?) has told us that Brexit was about rich people using tax havens. The UK has loads of tax havens. The EU has a tax haven blacklist, and wants to impose sanctions on them.” You’ve got me. The UK does have…
…a number of “tax havens” – BVI, Cayman Islands etc. Yet they are not on the blacklist, why? This is Sven Giegold, Green Finance spokesman, “The British are particularly sceptical about the EU’s black list of tax havens, for self-protection. It takes a lot of British…
…humour to understand that Caribbean islands with a corporate tax rate of zero per cent should not be tax havens, according to the EU definition. We must make best use of the Brexit negotiations to close the UK’s tax havens.” The reason why BVI and the Cayman Islands etc…
…are not on the EU’s tax haven blacklist is the same reason why the tax haven blacklist doesn’t contain a single territory belonging to an EU member state. Not one. Even if they find themselves on there, they will be off within weeks. They are not on the blacklist…
…because we get to determine the parameters for who is on the blacklist. We get to lobby ourselves about removing/keeping territories off the blacklist. The EU is the ultimate rich kid club. Watch this space, if the UK leaves the EU with no deal, this time next year…
…there will be UK overseas territories on the tax haven blacklist. This is UK Green MEP Molly Scott Cato suggesting that very thing…”Once we leave the EU, the UK will no longer be able to use the EU to hide their dodgy tax practices. The EU should use the opportunity of…
…Brexit to blacklist the UKs overseas territories”. If I was trying to avoid tax by having operations in BVI like, say, Richard Branson, it is imperative the BVI doesn’t end up on the tax haven blacklist – I need the UK to be in the EU. The tax haven blacklist is a…
…motivation for tax avoiders to support remaining in the EU, not leaving. “Yeah, but what about Jacob Rees-Mogg, with his Cayman Islands company. It made £103million profit in 5 years and paid no corporation tax at all!” The firm JRM receives income from…
…is Somerset Capital Management LLP. It’s a UK registered partnership. The reason why we know it made £103million profit without paying any tax is because its accounts are on Companies House! The reason why it doesn’t pay Corporation tax is because it…
…is a Partnership, and not subject to Corporation tax. It’s not a loophole or a big scandal. An LLP is “transparent” for UK tax purposes – that means that tax is payable by the partners, not by the partnership itself. The profits available for distribution to you…
…as a partner are taxed as if you earned them yourself. If you are an additional rate individual taxpayer you will pay tax at 45%, if you are a Corporate you pay tax at your corporate rate etc etc. “OK, Chappers. Enough. I’m beaten into submission. I can…
….literally feel all hope escaping from my body. I just want to get my life back to the relative glory I felt before I started this thread”. Seriously,congratulations to anyone who got this far. It’s so easy to say “look, a new tax avoidance rule, this is what Brexit is…
…all about. Follow the money!!” Actually getting to the bottom of whether that is true, especially if you are predisposed to “remain”, takes quite a bit of patience. Twitter lends itself to eye-catching one-line conspiracies and false assertions, it lends…
…itself far less to their rebuttal. Whether you are a remainer or a leaver, if you have got this far without cheating, thank you for taking the time. In summary, Brexit wasn’t about avoiding tax rules, some of which we invented, all of which we already…
…have, have had for years, and would have whether we were in the EU or not. If after all that you still think it is…fine. Disagreeing is OK. (You’d be wrong like, but it’s OK). As you were.
• • •
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@ScotsForLeaveEU@AllianceBE@TheBluetrot An excellent piece. It really reinforces the point that UK tax avoidance on this scale cannot be tackled from within the EU. The reason my piece focuses on CFC rules within the ATAD is that the EU renders them ineffective within the EU. Ireland will, of course, be absolutely...
@ScotsForLeaveEU@AllianceBE@TheBluetrot ...insistent that the UK fully aligns with the EU's ATAD, ironically painting itself as a "good guy" in the process! However, the CFC rules in the ATAD say this:
@ScotsForLeaveEU@AllianceBE@TheBluetrot ...which means that provided the Irish subsidiary isn't a brass plate, it can be used to avoid UK tax and the UK couldn't impose a CFC charge. The EU is clear...even if the UK parent explicitly states the purpose of the Irish subsidiary is to avoid UK tax, there's nothing the...
So Angelo has sentenced Claudio to death because Claudio’s fiancé is pregnant (immorality), and Isabella pleaded with Angelo for leniency. Angelo initially refuses causing Isabella to say, “Dressed in a little brief authority, Most ignorant of what he’s most assured,…
…His glassy essence, like an angry ape, Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven. As makes the angels weep, who with our spleens, Would all themselves laugh mortal.” She is saying it’s ridiculous that men think they can play (glassy essence/mimic) God and pass…
…judgement. They think they are all knowing, like God, but they are just mimicking him. Like it might be funny if an ape tries to mimic a man, so if the Angels saw man playing God and they had human spleens they would basically piss themselves to death laughing! It’s…
Thread. I wrote this years ago on a pro-Brexit Fb page. Bear with it!
"A book review, if I may? Be warned - I am going to be complimentary about Guy Verhofstadt. I know people here dislike just about everything he stands for, but that’s no reason to dislike a person..
If you didn’t already know Guy Verhofstadt is in charge of the Liberals and Democrats in the European Parliament, and he’s going represent the EP in negotiations with the UK. I never found him speaking highly of the UK – but then usually when I see him he’s in some...
...heated debate with Nigel Farage.
However, apply a dispassionate perspective, pretend he’s discussing Caricom or SACU or something you have no strong view about and he seems perfectly reasonable. He has written a book, “Europe’s Last Chance.” Not only...
In terms of GDP, the UK leaving the EU is the equivalent of Austria, Ireland, Denmark, Finland, Czech Republic, Romania, Portugal, Greece, Hungary, Slovakia, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Cyprus and Malta all leaving in one go. In…
…terms of proportionate economic loss, the impact on the EU of the UK leaving is greater than Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland leaving the UK. We are 4 times the size of Switzerland which has no issues holding its own with the EU. We are twice the size of EFTA…
…who managed to negotiate the EEA. We are about the same size as the ASEAN, an economic bloc with 650 million people. We’re the sixth biggest economy in the world. In terms of our geopolitical capabilities we have been deemed the second most powerful…
Sorry to repeat this, but since @DavidLammy has waded in, I thought it was worth an update to the “Brexit was about tax avoidance!” conspiracy theory. You know, “The referendum date was announced just after the EU announced the Anti Tax Avoidance Directive.” And…
“…article 50 was invoked so that the UK would avoid the implementation of the Anti Tax Avoidance Directive in April 2019! You Brexiteers have all been conned!” Well, let’s leave aside the fact that the effective date was January 1st 2019 and see who’s being conned by…
…who. Here’s a timeline. The issue of “base erosion” (eroding your tax base) was first discussed at the OECD summit in Mexico in June 2012, and again at the G20 Finance Minister summit in November of the same year. At this summit the UK and Germany agreed to combat Base…
By now, the “Brexit was about tax avoidance” conspiracy theorists mostly know they are peddling nonsense. However, what I perhaps haven’t articulated is that the Anti Tax Avoidance Directive contains the biggest impact on our tax avoidance…
…rules the EU has ever had, and tax avoiding companies love it! It’s already cost UK taxpayers £millions and if we stay in the EU it will probably continue to cost us £millions. You want to know what damage the Single Market has done to ordinary people? Read on.
First of all, open the directive itself EU 2016/1164. Go way down, past where it says Chapter II – find Article 7, or just search for “Controlled foreign company rule” – 2 clicks and you’re done. Para 2.