The National consultation on the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM) framework for local government climate action in Australia
resulting arrangement between EU & ICLEI Oceania as the GCoM Oceania regional lead partner.
INVENTORY = Within two years
1 = City #MUST assess current impacts of #climate change & develop community greenhouse inventory
2 = Develop community-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory with a breakdown of emissions for stationary energy waste & transport sectors
A = Report the Current risk level of the hazard
B = Expected intensity, frequency, and timescale
C = The Expected future impacts
D = All relevant sectors, assets, or services that are expected to be most impacted
UK becomes first country to declare a ‘climate emergency"
On Wednesday night a bipartisan UK Parliament passed an extraordinary measure=
National declaration of an Environment & Climate Emergency…
How about this -;
935 jurisdictions in 18 countries have declared a climate emergency.
Populations covered by jurisdictions that have declared a climate emergency amount to 206 million citizens
Operation = Global GOVERNANCE Body
Structure = #GMP
Vehicles = #UNSDG
Did / Can you Vote for this = NO
GPM members form the General Meeting PLUS internally elect the Executive Committee & the Board of Directors
ICLEI Oceania undertaking National consultation on how #GMP for Climate & Energy (GCoM) framework for Local Govt can accelerate & report on local climate action in Australia
More =
The objective is to build support nationally and from all levels of government and partner organisations, to support the GCoM as an effective framework for local government climate action in Australia.
#QUESTION = Are You aware that Politicians & Councils are DELIBERATELY Selling Australia & Australians Future out to Foreign Interests at YOUR Cost for their benefit where YOU have NO say OR knowledge about what is REALLY happening ??
#FGS People = #WAKEUP
Around the world, C40 mayors and the cities they lead are taking ambitious, collaborative and urgent climate action
They work together across borders
Aligned with =
At C40, we recognise that many underrepresented and marginalised groups often face barriers to participate in – and are inadequately represented
Network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities, representing over 800 million people,
#QUESTION = Have Lives of those who
Engaged-Fought-Died for Unified Australia been wasted
b/c of Political Correctness & Gender Fluidity based on structures of "DYSTOPIA" ??
#QUESTION = What is YOUR "Life & Future" worth in realm of contorted Insanity ??
#QUESTION = What really determines Status of being Aboriginal in Australia Today ??
#QUESTION = Is it based on Ancestry OR Blood Lines of specific proportion OR "Gender Identity" ??
#QUESTION = Should the notion of
be the ONLY criteria of use ??
#QUESTION = IF Australians are FORCED to Determine future Prosperity =
"What should the Determinants be in order to deliver Egalitarian clarity as National Position" ??
See =
Australia is being DELIBERATELY Decimated
by both Foreign & Domestic Entities
for the Benefit of the Few
at the Cost to the many
where YOUR Future is Determined
by someone else
b/c THEY say so
"How Australia is Being Taken"
They came with an Agenda to control the West from Language & Societal Norms thru to Lifestyle & the Political Establishment at the COST to Industry & Australians as a Whole -- FOREVER.
In days of yore when Ethics & Morals & Standards were
de-rigueur= Life was based on Integrity
In Recent Times = that whole concept started to be replaced by those of Socialist means,
Not for benefit of the many BUT for relevance of the few
in order to control Society thru POWER
BUT -- How was this Series of Positions obtained without the knowledge of the many ??
Like most actions of stealth --
the operation hid in plain sight
Yet people were & #STILL are unaware that their Lifestyle & Future are being obliterated by Foreign Mandates
Bill enshrines Legislation principles of multiculturalism & diversity in law is consistent with state legislation & ensures multilateral & ongoing support
#NOTE = Above is
WHAT they are Doing
HOW they are doing
WHERE they are doing
#QUESTION = Do you think that Politicians & Govt have YOUR Best Interests at Heart -- OR -- Are they playing a Numbers Game for Point scoring against the Opposition so they can appease #FOREIGN Mandates & look Good on the Global Stage ??
Look at this Thread #WhatSayYou ??
Proposed BILL
(Make Electricity GST Free) Bill 2017
Not Proceeding
Proposed BILL
Agriculture and Water Resources Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
to: remove the requirements for an export licence to export meat by-products and for certain documents to be tabled;
repeal obsolete provisions; Biosecurity Act 2015