…victoria has an emissions reduction trajectory and is on track…
electricity generation is the largest share of victoria's emissions — by a long way.
…maximum temperatures could reach 50°C in #melbourne by 2050, with even higher temperatures inland, without emissions reduction…
…the #ClimateChangeAct, closely modelled on the UK framework, provides the framework for victoria to play its part in the solution.
interim targets are key, required by law.
gov't must commit to new target in early 2020.
…process for setting targets for 2025 and 2030 is well underway…
proposed targets from the #CombetReview:
• 2025: 32-39% reduction
• 2030: 45-60% reduction
…what's already happening…
legislated renewables targets:
• 25% by 2020
• 40% by 2025
• 50% by 2030
the #VRET will increase electricity volume, reduce bills, grow economy, create jobs, reduce emissions.
the @SolarVictoriaAU#SolarHomesProgram will put solar PV on another 700,000 rooftops, plus 60,000 solar hot water systems and 5,500 jobs.
…all tram travel in melbourne is offset by 100% renewable energy.
…saving 80,000t of CO₂ annually.
…the #VictorianEnergyUpgrades scheme just turned 10 years old and has saved victorians more than $3bn to date and reduced emissions by 52m tonnes so far.
…the quiet achiever!
…how about adaptation? projects underway:
[for those wanting to watch the video — either live, or after the event, you're in luck! see link below.]
🚨 this week the coal industry launched a dirty campaign against the independents through an ‘astroturf’ group: ‘australians for progress’.
using classic negative ad styling — complete with misinformation — billboards went up in monique ryan’s & allegra spender’s electorates.
who is ‘australians for progress’?
the AFR called it a grassroots organisation…
but really it’s a coal industry funded LNP astroturf (fake grassroots) group started by failed liberal MP julian simmonds, the former member for ryan who lost his seat to the greens in may 2022.
A4P’s campaign manager was an advisor to failed liberal MP jason falinski, who lost his seat to community independent sophie scamps in may 2022.
…one of their board members is the national president of the young liberals:
hardly a week goes by without some 🪿telling me that "saudi arabia built a nuclear power station in just 8 years" or similar.
south korea built it for the UAE & it'll be 16+ years from formal announcement to project completion.
no, it was not on time & likely not on budget
any 🪿telling you nuclear can be built in australia in 2-3, 5, 10 or 15 years:
• ignores years of work required before construction starts
• doesn't understand IAEA's "construction" ignores _years_ of actual construction
• assumes an established regulator & warm supply chain.
☢️ with the #coalition expected to announce its #nuclear plan on wednesday, here are 18 questions every diligent journalist should be seeking answers to:
1. how will dutton remove the ban?
the coalition would require control of the senate to repeal the ban, which is embedded in two acts.
the coalition hasn’t controlled the senate since 2004-2007.
2. which state(s) would dutton build the reactors in?
only VIC, NSW and QLD grids are big enough to handle a large nuclear reactor.
WA, SA and TAS grids are too small to host a GW-scale reactor.