I took this pic after having a dreadful feeling that this was going to be difficult.

When I entered @yadvashem this feeling of dread became a feeling ... I was going to write "terror" but it was so much more. I don´t know how long time I spent in there. 1 hr, maybe 2. I´m not sure.
Ca halfway through I looked towards the exit and when I saw and understood
I think I got a small taste of what European Jews must have felt like during WW2.
But the Holocaust was no accident. It wasn´t a result of a lifestyle. It wasn´t something 3 hrs of counceling
It was systematic persecution of ppl deemed not worthy of living.
It was pure evil.
Fighting antisemitism isn´t a hobby for me. Never has been. It isn´t something I take out of a drawer at 8 and put back in at 17.
It´s a part of me.
It´s that simple.
Before Yad Vashem I thought I had zero tolerance towards antisemitism.
And I DO recommend a visit there. It should even be obligatory.
Right now I don´t really know what to do with it.
But I do know that I hate antisemitism and love Israel and the Jewish nation.
I never intended to become some "Israelsupporter". In 1992 I started reading about Israel, the Jews, antisemitism and so on and more or less since then I´ve been talking about it with ppl that I´ve noticed were ill-informed or even hostile towards ...
I did this for my own sake because of who I am. Not to become something.
It wasn´t until ´09 I started engaging on-line with ppl and write about Israel and antisemitism.
Not to become big in the eyes of men or for fame and fortune.
Being someone in other´s eyes does not automatically make you right or good.
Standing up for Israel and against antisemitism is both good and right.