Rome & the leadership hierarchy of RCC do not serve Light, they serve darkness & the Jesuits signed a blood oath to do any evil to enforce worship of the Pope!
Black horse: Capitalism/Facism
Red horse: Conmunism
Bay pale/DEATHLY Green horse: Islam
13 centuries War/Crusades-
martyr millions: FULL of Blood of Saints, thinking they “do god’s service.” Pagan practice, idolatry: prayer to Mary & Saints, forbid marriage; CHANGED God’s Times & Laws; cage of unclean birds: Cardinals, in scarlet & purple
Capitalism 1929–>
Men buy & sell Fellow Man to obtain wealth, shed blood & deal deception.
STOCKS & BONDS- comes from buying & selling “livestock” & the “bonds” -bondage of slaves!
& Illegal goods go thru’ underground, hidden cartels “the BLACK MARKET.”
Red: Communism
A False famine, “The Holodomore” caused by Joseph Stalin in Russia was nearly as bad as Hitler’s Holocost
(Types of antichrist)
Hitler murdered MORE than
6 Million Jews &
12 Million Christians
Now, communism still runs China. Hence “RED China.”
Bay pale/green horse: ISLAM!
Islamic terrorists delight in beheading & dismembering their prey, believing they do god’s service!
Their band/flag is green & the literal Greek letters/numbers for 666 matches their literal characters for “in the name of Allah.”👇🏻

Even-Wicca, satanism, Buddhism, mysticism, paganism, Islam-
all with Christians & Jews though these do not worship the same god:God!
The call
“Come out of her my people...”
began 502 yrs ago w/Luther