Folks, your favorite Star Wars non-fan is going to do a #StarWars rewatch. Reactions to follow.
(I'm not literally live-tweeting, but I am transcribing notes I wrote while watching, so it'll be a little stream-of-consciousnesses.)
I have seen the original and prequel trilogies exactly once, several years ago. (I remember very little.) I've seen The Force Awakens . . . thrice, maybe? Four times? I saw The Last Jedi once, and I saw The Rise of Skywalker when it came out last month.
So, here we go.
I know a lot of people experience this exactly the opposite way, but it's always so funny to me to hear Vader speak because I only hear Mufasa. 😆

I feel like that's probably supposed to be funny, but actually, as someone who grew up and lives in a desert, I can confirm that this should totally be a thing.
I love this moment, I really do.
Space sheep! (Uh, Luke called it a bantha, maybe?)

(Actually, is Vader even the one in charge here? Admiral Cheekbones seems to think he's running the show and that Vader's just an amusing curiosity.)
I like these. They scream when they fly, and it's fun.
I mean, bizarro aliens, bizarro creatures, it's basically the same thing. I'm in.
(Are the humans . . . human? Or something else?)
Young Harrison Ford is reminding me very strongly of someone here in his introduction, I can't think who, and it's bugging me. (I mean. Obviously he's Harrison Ford. But he's bringing someone else to mind, for me too.)
Oh, you magnificent doofus. 🤣
Please wrap it up, boys.
I don't love it, but I also wouldn't have a tantrum if someone made me watch it again.
I am ashamed.
The common sense is strong with this one.
That's quite a series of faces Luke makes there, too. Wow.
I dunno, guys. This one's the one everyone thinks is genius?
I liked parts of it okay. I liked Hoth and from the cloud city to the end. But overall, I'd be more inclined to watch the first one again if I had to than watch this one again. 🤷🏼♀️
This was my least favorite of the original three.

Also Jedi: *has zero idea that Palpy is a raging psycho villain*
Yeah. Sure. Jedi always have the moral high ground.
Yeah. It does. Skipping you . . .
I almost didn't make it through the first time, but I'm really liking it this time around? (Well. Most of it. Parts of it are pretty bad.)
I hate the love story, but I love the love theme. 💕

Padme: Whatevs, bro.
Please don't ruin Padme. Don't throw away her strength for the sake of this shitty love story.
I like how, instead of just escaping dangerous parts of the machine, the characters had to figure out how to work through them to the other side. That was really cool.
But may I say, Padme, don't marry that little shit. You could do so much better.
Somehow I didn't see this coming at all and it's actually really upsetting. I mean, I saw they were in Trooper uniforms, but I still didn't expect this. (Dumb dumb dumb, that was so dumb of me.)
I hated this movie last time I saw it - my bad. My absolute bad. I kind of loved it this time!
Edit: OH WAIT, that's Jurassic World where he takes over for John Williams, MY BAD. I'M SORRY. I AM ASHAMED. 😫
"It's just very hard to understand you with all the . . . apparatus."
GOD, I love you, Poe.
I tried to find a gif of her sand-sledding to use here, but couldn't. Please imagine it instead.
What can I say, he was great, so I got attached fast.
"You got a boyfriend, cute boyfriend?"
"I fixed that." "Well, can you UNfix it?"
Oh my god, these two. I ship the friendship.
"No, the smuggler."
Edit: Yes. Yes it is.
Rey: *goes batshit on him and wins* 😆
Finn's such a precious moron, I love it.
Poor Rey, standing there waiting for a profound Jedi moment. 😂
"You're just a child in a mask."
"It's a power the Jedi have that lets them control people and... make things float."
Don't be silly, Finn. Love it, don't be afraid of it.