Darth Vader is from the German (or Dutch) for “Dark Father”
1. “General Vader/Imperial Commander” appears on an early-1974 list of potential character names by George Lucas
(screenshots from @jwrinzler’s essential Making of #StarWars book series)

3. Darth Vader is not Luke Skywalker’s father until the April 1, 1978 second draft of #EmpireStrikesBack
4. “Darth” doesn’t mean anything in Dutch or German

Imperial AT-AT walkers in #EmpireStrikesBack were inspired by Oakland container cranes
1. In late-1977, @ILMVFX art director Joe Johnston proposed a two-legged walking tank to replace wheeled or treaded tank concepts for the Hoth battle


Traditional #StarWars matte paintings were painted on shower door glass
1. Making of SW author J.W. Rinzler asked the original trilogy matte painters, who said this wasn’t true.

Chewbacca was named for the Russian words “chudovishye” (meaning monster) combined with “sobaka” (meaning dog).
1. “Chuiee Two Thorpe”, later “Chewie” a hotshot pilot, appears in the early-1973 Journal of the Whills outline by #StarWars creator George Lucas.

3 The origin of the Russian words myth appears to be a 2007 website which cites no other sources or quotes.

The wampa attack on Luke Skywalker was written into #EmpireStrikesBack to explain Mark Hamill’s scars from his 1977 car accident
1. In Empire story notes, George Lucas wrote “Luke crash in beginning (scar on face)” to explain why he might look different.

(screengrabs from The Making of The Empire Strikes Back by J.W. Rinzler) #StarWars

The final Millennium Falcon design is based on a hamburger with a bite taken out of it and an olive
1. In an interview, likely from 2006, George Lucas said “I thought of the design... flying back from London [in November 1975]: a hamburger.”

(image from The Art of #SoloAStarWarsStory) #StarWars

#StarWars #ANewHope
(Kudos to @Kitbashed for their decade-long research on the evolution of the Millennium Falcon’s design, including the Johnston quotes)

Ralph McQuarrie’s artwork sold 20th Century Fox on #StarWars
1. The Fox deal memo for Star Wars was signed on Aug 20, 1973.
2. McQuarrie & Colin Cantwell were hired Nov 1974, to design what was scripted & help LFL formulate a budget based on those designs.

4. The Fox board of directors met in December 1975 and finally green-lit the film.
(screengrabs from The Making of Star Wars)


R2-D2 is named for “Reel Two, Dialogue Two”, sound mixing tracks that George Lucas was working with
1. In The Making of #StarWars, Lucas recalled that, when mixing THX 1138, someone yelled out “R2D2” for “Reel Two, Dialogue Two” and he jotted the name down.

(photo courtesy of @missingwords) #StarWars

At the time of #StarWars’ release in 1977, Obi-Wan Kenobi wasn’t lying to Luke Skywalker about his father because Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader were different people

2. The backstory to Lucas’ January 1978 fourth draft is “about Ben & Luke’s father & Vader, when they are young Jedi Knights”.

4. Darth Vader wasn’t Luke’s father until the second draft of #EmpireStrikesBack in April 1978.

Chewbacca was inspired by George Lucas’s dog, an Alaskan Malamute called Indiana that rode in the front seat of his car
1. George Lucas is quoted in late-1997 that Indiana “inspired me to give Han Solo a sidekick who was like a big, furry dog.”

3. Lucas’s dog Indiana also inspired the name “Indiana Jones” for that film series and the Jones family Malamute that the character named himself after.