There is an urgent need to generate effective vaccine against #SARSCoV2. This is such an important topic, and many agencies/labs/companies are working on it. I want to open up this discussion here. Let's unite towards this goal.
Pls RT, chime in with your insights/thoughts.
Learning from previous #CoV studies, what is likely to be the correlate of protection? What vaccine approaches generate best neutralizing antibody (Ab)? How quickly does #CoV generally mutate away from Ab-mediated recognition?
What would be a good preclinical model to test vaccine efficacy against #CoV? How well do antibodies to previous #CoVs cross-react against other members including #SARSCoV1, #MERSCoV and #SARSCoV2?
BTW, if you are interested in doing research on #SARSCoV2 vaccines, pathogenesis and related topics, @NIAIDFunding released this last week 👇🏽
@NIAIDFunding I just read this timely and useful summary of various companies and academic labs developing #COVID19 vaccines in @BioCentury. Adding this to my thread.
Our preprint on post-vaccination syndrome is out. We studied immune signatures and examined spike protein in the blood of people who have developed chronic illnesses after COVID-19 vaccination. (1/)…
Vaccines have saved countless lives and inspired me to become an immunologist. While generally safe, some people experience adverse effects, including Post-Vaccination Syndrome (PVS). Studying PVS is crucial for improving patient care and enhancing vaccine safety & acceptance. (2/)
Happy to share our latest work by @YYexin et al. on antibody-mediated control of endogenous retroviruses in mice. In the process, we found “natural antibodies” with broad reactivity against enveloped viruses. Here is how “panviral” antibodies work 🧵(1/)
Endogenous retroviruses (ERV) are remnants of genetic invaders that have integrated into our ancestors' genomes over millions of years. ERVs occupy ~8% of the human genome and are under constant host immune surveillance. (2/)……
This work started over 7 years ago when @YYexin and @rebecca_treger began to examine why ERVs reactivate in certain mouse strains. Through many genetic crosses, we figured out that secreted IgM recruits complement to suppress infectious ERV from emerging. (3/)
This time, we developed a nasal booster vaccine for influenza viruses. In this preprint, @MiyuMoriyama et al. show that nasal boosters with unadjuvanted hemagglutinin protein induce sterilizing immunity in mice against flu. (1/)…
This work builds on the Prime and Spike vaccine strategy by @tianyangmao @BenIsraelow et al. against COVID where mRNA vaccine followed by nasal booster with recombinant spike protein established local immunity, ⬇️ infection & transmission in rodents. (2/)…
For Prime and HA against flu, @MiyuMoriyama tested several different mRNA IM prime and nasal HA booster doses, followed by a homologous influenza virus challenge. Like Prime and Spike, no adjuvant is needed for the nasal booster due to preexisting immunity from Prime. (3/)
Much-needed data on the genetics of #longCOVID in a new preprint by @23andMeResearch - GWAS of #LongCOVID identified 3 loci pointing to immune and thrombo-inflammatory mechanisms 🔥 @ninaadsc 1) HLA-DQA1–HLA-DQB 2) ABO 3) BPTF–KPAN2–C17orf58
Among research participants who reported acute SARS-CoV2 infection, 64,384 participants reported to have experienced Long COVID and 178,537 participants did not. Their analytical cohort consisted of 54,390 cases and 124,777 controls 👇🏼 (2/)
The top locus was in the HLA-DQA1–HLA-DQB intergenic region. Further analysis showed that HLA alleles HLA-DRB1*11:04, HLA-C*07:01, HLA-B*08:01, and HLA-DQA1*03:01 were significantly associated with #LongCOVID. In other words, crucial genes for T cell target detection! (3/)
Keynote talk by @MichaelPelusoMD. “#LongCovid is not a mystery anymore. Working with patients, I have optimism that we can figure this out.” #YaleCIISymposium
An excellent framework in thinking about the pathogenesis of #LongCovid
Sharing this scoping review on "Post-Acute sequelae of COVID-19 in pediatric patients within the United States" by @ChrisMillerDO - an amazing @YalePediatrics infectious diseases fellow focused on research and treatment of #longcovidkids (1/)
Key findings:
- Most pediatric LC patients were adolescents.
- ♀>♂️
- 80% of pediatric LC patients started with a mild initial infection.
- Asthma, atopy, allergic rhinitis (type 2 immune diseases), and obesity were frequently reported pre-existing conditions. (2/)
The most frequently reported symptoms in #longcovidkids are listed here (3/)