@MoHFW_INDIA @NITIAayog #CoronaAlert
The world over.
@drharshvardhan @capt_amarinder @Naveen_Odisha @amitabhk87 @WHO @OfficeofUT
Alarming & highly negligent of those who designed & released the "Dear Farmers" newspaper ad (incl #DAVP @MIB_India) with a pic of PM in a "mask" with nose exposed!
@ICMRDELHI #AatmaNirbhar

For the 2nd day running,
#DAVP fails to notice health protocolwise inappropriate pic of Honble PM (wearing "mask" with nose exposed) in newspaper ads.
"Dear Farmers" ad yesterday.
"Dear #MigrantLabourers" ad today.
In @thetribunechd
+ Honble @PrakashJavdekar for kind info.

Thx #DAVP+others 4replacing the health-protocolwise inappropriate pic of Honble PM seen in 1st couple of newspaper ads over last couple of days (wearing "mask" with nose exposed) with appropriate pic in 3rd ad released today. Happy :-)
Thankyou All for amplifying the call.