ASMR Director Dr Kiri Beilby @KiriBeilby on #IWD2020: "When I was growing up, being a woman in science was not perceived as desirable.
It was not ladylike.
Feminine. Attractive.
It was hard (could I even cope?)
It wasn't a career conducive with having kids.
There were few...
...female role models to aspire to. Thankfully, due to the commitment of women & men in all sectors, these ideas are dissolving, but there is still work to be done! The number of grant submissions and the amount of awarded funding is still skewed towards men in medical science...
...increasingly so with seniority. On IWD I will be celebrating how far we've come, and recognise how far we can still go to truly achieve equity.”
Did you know: When a research grant is awarded, the administering institution has to find an extra 20-40% of the value of the grant to cover overheads, simply so the research can proceed? The Job-Ready Bill removes the source of this overhead funding.
That's catastrophic (1/6👇)
The Bill remains only to be voted on by the Senate before it will severely impact on Universities, academics, students and the sector. The ASMR has serious concerns regarding the Bill and how it will adversely affect health + medical research in Australia
At present the votes are 38 for and 37 against, with one cross-bench senator undecided; Stirling Griff @Stirling_G. The only way the Bill can be stopped is if this Senator Griff also votes against it.
Have you wondered who is behind all our fantastic ASMR Medical Research Week® events in each state?
ASMR Director @IgnitingScience works with some very talented researchers who come together and form our ASMR state committees.
Meet our 2020 NSW committee!
A thread👇
Dr Nunki Hassan @NunkiHassan is the co-convenor of NSW ASMR. She is currently a Research Officer at the @KidsCancerInst and an associate lecturer @UNSW. She is passionate about cancer research and spreading awareness about medical research to the community.
Dr Emily Colvin is a researcher working in the Bill Walsh Lab, @KollingINST in Sydney. Emily is interested in all things related to the tumour microenvironment, particularly how targeting non-cancerous cells present in tumours will lead to improved treatments for ovarian cancer
In conjunction with @QUT EMCR Committee @TheASMR1 will run a panel discussion on Perspectives on the NHMRC Investigator Grant Scheme.
The panel discussion will take place on Wednesday, September 23rd, 2.30-4pm, via zoom:…
We will hear from investigators who have been successful with both EL1 and EL2 fellowships :
- Dr. Holly Anderton (NHMRC EL1 Investigator Recipient, @WEHI_research
- Dr. Carlos Salomon Gallo (NHMRC EL2 Investigator Recipient, @UQ_News)
The panel will also include grant review panellists:
- A/Prof Jyotsna Batra (NHMRC EL1 panel member @QUT)
- A/Prof @TonyKenna3 Kenna (NHMRC L1-3 panel member, @QUT)
🗣 NSW + Newcastle high school students - on October 14, you'll have a chance to virtually meet scientists from a wide range of fields, including Cassandra Griffin!
Her journey into the science world has been a little different to most!
A thread 👇
Training in the performing arts after graduating high school and working both onstage and behind the scenes in the theatre industry, medical research wasn’t an obvious destination.
Cass holds a Bachelor of Arts with majors in Drama, Ancient History and Anthropology, a Bachelor of Biomedical Science and a Masters of Public Health focusing on communicable disease control. Since graduating she has worked as a hospital scientist in microbiology research ...
The meeting was scheduled to be held in Melbourne, however, due to the restrictions on in-person gatherings and travel (not part of our 2020 vision...) we are now hosting an online event to ensure we still all get a chance to "meet"
The conference theme is 2020 vision: the future of medical research and we will shine a light on cutting edge advances in medical research and provide a number of innovative professional development opportunities to help you take your research into the future.