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Feb 3rd 2023
A journey which started in 2016 has led to the publication of the #PREPARE study in @TheLancet today. In this #randomised study, we show that a 12-gene panel can reduce #adverse_effects by 30%. @CDSS_Liverpool @pandtuol
A 30% reduction in adverse reactions from a single #intervention is remarkable.… #pharmacogenetics #personalisedmedicine #adverse_effects. The study was funded by the Horizon 2020 program by the @eu_comission
Led by @HenkJGuchelaar and @JesseSwen as part of the #UPGx consortium: All #ADRs were assessed for #causality by the Liverpool Causality Assessment Tool (LCAT):…
Read 7 tweets
Feb 2nd 2023
A. Wider definition of #pharmacogenomics
B. Pharmacogenomic #variation is common, we are exposed to many #drugs which require pharmacogenomic #guidance
C. There is increasing #evidence of #clinical #utility of #PGx
D. We need more studies on #diversity in #PGx
E. The time is right for #implementation of #PGx #personalised #prescribing…
Read 5 tweets
Sep 18th 2020
South Australian High school students - unsure about your career in science?

This Monday, you'll have a chance to learn about where a career in science can take you!

A thread 👇

Register here:

Event page:… Image
Meet Michelle Forgione @ForgioneAu.

Michelle is a #PhDcandidate at @sahmriAU, researching acute lymphoblastic #leukaemia. She has special interests in #cancer epigenetics and #pharmacogenomics. Image
Meet Dr Hannah Wardill is a #NHMRC CJ Martin Biomedical Research Fellow.

@hannahrwardill is developing personalised #supponc solutions for the #ConsequencesOfTreatment to ensure people with cancer don’t just survive, but they survive well! #CuredatWhatCost #survivorship Image
Read 11 tweets
Jun 29th 2019
Part 5 #Tramadont #tweetorial
(in which #Tramadont remains a hilariously accurate descriptor of tramadol!)
@NarouzeMD @EMARIANOMD @toby_ashken @DavidJuurlink

CYP2D6 & tramadol is not overrated at all.
Here is a picture of the tramadol metabolism pathway (PMID 11454734) (1/7)
We can agree that M1 is the metabolite which provides opioid analgesic effects. (PMID 10961373) (2/7)
M1 is metabolized by CYP3A4 & CYP2B6 (not CYP2D6 as you suggested) to M5. (PMID 24849324) (3/7)
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Jun 27th 2019
#Tramadol, a game of analgesic roulette, will it work or won’t it? Will your patient obtain analgesic effects or will they have a seizure, respiratory depression, or various other side effects...🤷🏼‍♀️that’s why it’s been nicknamed #Tramadont! Its variable effects are (1/3)
attributable to hepatic enzyme CYP2D6;unless you know your pt’s CYP2D6 genetic polymorphism (which I haven’t come across anyone who does)AND a comprehensive list of all of their home meds, don’t prescribe it!🙅🏼‍♀️
#pharmacyeducationboard #twitterx #medtwitter #pharmacogenomics (2/3)
Thank you to our #pharmacyresident for putting this one up, and to @DavidJuurlink & @ToxAndHound for the inspiration. 🙂💡 (3/3)
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Oct 29th 2018
I was born & raised in #Medellin Colombia, an amazing & vibrant city in the middle of the mountains.

Please do not mention #Narcos or #Escobar when you hear Medellin!

Medellin is much more than that #eternalspring #innovation #Entrepreneurship #mountains #coffee #greatpeople
I was born & raised in #Medellin Colombia, an amazing & vibrant city in the middle of the mountains.

Please do not mention #Narcos or #Escobar when you hear Medellin!

Medellin is much more than that #eternalspring #innovation #Entrepreneurship #mountains #coffee #greatpeople
Went to a great school in #medellin & at 17 started #medicine not because I wanted to be a clinician but because I liked the #science & my family and #mentors told me #medicine was broader and could open more doors for me #VoicesIWS #Thread☝️@IWS_Network
Read 21 tweets

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