2 #ContactTracing
3 #Isolation
4 #PhysicalDistancing @DrDzul @ProfAdeeba @chriskc_Lee @DrKhorSK @boosulyn @nazrikh @theedgemalaysia @malaysiakini @malaymail @staronline @FIMAweb

1 It determines the burden of #COVID19 disease in the community
2 It directs healthcare providers towards targeted contact tracing and boost the apps with data for mapping the movements of the infected ...

M’sia tests per million pop = 1,579
Compare this with countries who have been successful in containing #COVID19 :
Singapore: 6,000 per mil
South Korea: 6,500 per mil
Australia: 9,000 per mil google.com/amp/s/amp.theg…
Hopefully testing at private hospitals and now initiated at the 10 universities will help to boost the numbers.