
1️⃣Wash 👐 frequently, cough/sneeze into a flexed 💪, use a disposable tissue
2️⃣ Keep🧍♀️↔️🧍♂️distance
3️⃣🚫unnecessary public activities
4️⃣ Disinfect frequently touched surfaces

🚫public gatherings,
Stock 🥫💊 for at least 2 weeks,
You can also order them online,
Or Ask for help from family/neighbors/volunteers 😇 to do 🛒

▪️ Stay at least 1 meter away from others 🧍♀️↔️🧍♂️
▪️ Decline 🚫 visits during the #COVID19 outbreak
▪️Alternatively, socialize by phone everyday with friends or family

✅Check for common symptoms
✅Keep your family/friends informed if you need assistance
✅Seek medical care immediately, if you have difficulty breathing. 📞 first, if possible.
#coronavirus #COVID19

▪️ Decline 🚫 visits during the #COVID19 outbreak
▪️ Alternatively, socialize by phone everyday with friends or family
▪️ Stay at least 1 meter away from others 🧍♀️↔️🧍♂️

🙂Be physically active & mentally positive
🙂Be socially connected via phone calls or social media
🙂Be informed by local health authorities & WHO
#COVID19 #coronavirus