Kemudain ke-Pahang – UIA/PKD Jerantut/Kuantan/Pekan
Wira kita GenY #IMARET yg tidak anda kenali-UNSUNG HEROES
Tidak anda ketahui nama mereka
Namun tercatit dilangit INSHALLAH @DrDzul @theedgemalaysia @boosulyn @nazrikh
On a roll to distribute much needed #PPE to Non-Covid Hospitals and Pusat Kesihatan Daerah (PKD)
These are our GenY doctors and volunteers who are the pride of our nation.
Service Before Self
@DrDzul @theedgemalaysia @boosulyn @nazrikh @aidilarazak
And after work can return to their families WITHOUT FEAR of passing the #COVID2019 to their beloved families.
U guys have our utmost respect & admiration
@DrDzul @jasonleong