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INDUSTRY: The Easter Egg represents the empty tomb of Jesus Christ. In 1875 the modern hollow chocolate Easter egg was created after developing a pure cocoa butter that could be moulded into smooth shapes. Which company invented it?
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AGRICULTURE: Better Boy, Early Girl, SteakHouse, Madame Marmande, Black Krim and Cherokee Purple are names of some of the over 200 varieties of this popular backyard crop. Name this plant.
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ADVERTISING: There’s a giant water tower that greets drivers on I-5 heading north into Sacramento, and it reads “Welcome to Sacramento: America’s Farm to Fork Capital”. What is the slogan that used to be on this water tower for many years?
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BIOLOGY: What is the name of the protein found in red blood cells that is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout your body?
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SPACE TRAVEL: 39 Years ago today, the first space-flight mission of the Space Shuttle Program returned to Earth. What was the name of the Space Shuttle used in this first mission?
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ZOOLOGY: Arnold Schwarzenegger has been posting social media videos of himself with his pets Lulu and Whiskey. What kind of animals are Lulu and Whiskey?
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R1 Q1 Answer
BOXING. The term “Sweet Science” was coined by British sportswriter Pierce Egan in 1813 who used it to describe how the fighters are required to be scientific in their approach to take down their opponent.
R1 Q2 Answer
CADBURY. The company produces over 200 million Cadbury Creme Eggs each year, though aficionados have disparaged the new American owner’s 2015 decision to change the recipe and reduce the number of eggs per pack from 6 to 5.
R1 Q3 Answer
The TOMATO. During the height of the season, California tomato growers produce one million tons of tomatoes per week!
R1 Q4 Answer
Each year the Moon moves about four centimeters FURTHER from the Earth. This means that in the far future, there will be no total eclipses of the sun. We currently experience both total and annular eclipses.
R1 Q5 Answer
That would be “Welcome to Sacramento: THE CITY OF TREES”. The slogan was replaced in March 2017 as part of the city’s Farm to Fork rebranding strategy. Contention has ensued ever since.
R1 Q6 Answer
This protein is called HEMOGLOBIN. Hemoglobin is found in the blood of all vertebrate animals, except for a particular family of fishes adapted to extreme cold and low metabolism.
R1 Q7 Answer
This was the Space Shuttle COLUMBIA. STS-1 orbited Earth 36 times before landing at Edwards Air Force Base in California. The Columbia and its crew were tragically lost in February 2003, shy of its 28th completed mission.
R1 Q8 Answer
The videos posted by former CA Governor @Schwarzenegger feature his miniature donkey Lulu and his miniature horse Whiskey. We’ll accept both DONKEY and HORSE as answers.
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MOVIES: For a 2013 Oscar-winning film, UCLA mathematician Joseph Teran and colleagues created a computer algorithm to simulate the physical movement of snow. Name this film.
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LINGUISTICS: In last week’s @TriviaWithBens we asked you about ACL—the Anterior Cruciate Ligament. What does the word “cruciate” mean? What does it refer to?
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TELEVISION: Actress Lindsay Wagner played the titular character of this 1970’s TV show, who was revived from mortal injuries with machine parts. Name this TV show.
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HISTORY: It’s among the most sinful chapters in scientific ethics—a medical study that began in 1932 on Black men in Alabama without their consent, left them untreated for syphilis. Name the Alabama city that shares the name of this study.
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FOOD: Sourdough differs from other breads due to the presence of a bacteria that imparts a sour flavor. What chemical does the bacteria produce that creates the sourness?
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SINDONOLOGY: Believers claim the Shroud of Turin was the burial shroud of Jesus Christ, but its authenticity has been in doubt since its appearance. What scientific test calculated that the shroud was made in the 13th or 14th century?
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ZOOLOGY: In the early church, the hare was considered holy because it was incorrectly thought to be hermaphroditic and could reproduce without losing its virginity. Which iconic animal of the PNW can also mate with itself to reproduce?
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FORESTRY: “Crown closure” measures how much tree canopy covers the land beneath it. According to the UN FAO, at what percentage of crown closure can a field of trees be called a forest?
A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 20%
D. 50%
E. 80%
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R2 Q1 Answer
That movie would be FROZEN. The @UCLA scientists and a trio of @Disney engineers developed a program nicknamed “The Matterhorn” to model realistic interactions of objects with snow.
R2 Q2 Answer
“Cruciate” means CROSS-SHAPED (we’ll accept simply CROSS). In the knee, the anterior and posterior ligaments cross one another when viewed from the front, hence coined as “cruciate” ligaments.
R2 Q3 Answer
That show was THE BIONIC WOMAN—a spinoff of The Six-Million Dollar Man. It lasted three seasons and also three spin-off TV movies were made. A remake was made in 2007 that was less successful.
R2 Q4 Answer
The city is TUSKEEGEE. Tuskegee University and the U.S. government began the study in 1932, which continued for 40 years—even after penicillin was found by other studies to be a proven treatment—until a whistleblower exposed it.
R2 Q5 Answer
The bacteria is Lactobacillus, the LACTIC ACID it produces creates the sour flavor and helps preserve the bread. The oldest evidence of sourdough bread dates back to 3700 BCE, but is thought to be as old as agriculture.
R2 Q6 Answer
RADIOACTIVE DATING performed by three universities in 1988 concluded with 95% confidence that the shroud material dated to 1260–1390 AD. Research on the Shroud continues, and is known as Sindonology.
R2 Q7 Answer
While it prefers to reproduce with others, the hermaphroditic BANANA SLUG can mate with itself and produce viable offspring. The mucus secreted by banana slugs contains chemicals that can numb the tongue of predators.
R2 Q8 Answer
The @FAO defines a forest as land with tree crown cover of more than (B) TEN PERCENT and an area of more than 0.5 hectares (ha). This definition is applied by foresters throughout the world, including the United States.
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FOOD: White chocolate is similar to regular chocolate, but with one key ingredient missing. Which ingredient is it? Your answer must have two words.
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MOVIES: John Hughes relied on one particular West Roxbury-born actor to play the geeky or academic character in movies such as Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, and Weird Science. What is this actor’s full name?
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CHEMISTRY: Marksville, Louisiana claims to host the oldest egg-knocking competition in the US, dating back to the 1950s. What chemical compound are bird eggshells mostly made from?
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HIGHER EDUCATION: Which research university, established in 2005, claims to be the only institution in the United States whose buildings are all LEED certified?
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BOOKS: Author Peter Benchley wrote what 1974 novel that forever changed Hollywood summer movies?
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BOTANY: Several species of the tree genus Commiphora are cultivated for its gum—the sap that flows out when a cut is made into its trunk or limbs. What is the common name for this harvested product?
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GEOGRAPHY: The Al-Kazneh of Petra is a gorgeous 1st Century AD temple carved out of a sandstone cliff. Its exteriors served as the climax of the film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. What modern country is the Al-Kazneh located in?
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MUSIC: In opera and classical singing, there were once male singers whose voices matched that of female sopranos, due to surgical means or congenital physiology. What was the name given to these male singers?
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R3 Q1 Answer
COCOA SOLIDS. White chocolate includes cocoa butter, sugar and milk solids, but the cocoa solids are removed from the chocolate liquor during manufacture. White chocolate is allowed to be no more than 55% sugar in the US and EU.
R3 Q2 Answer
ANTHONY MICHAEL HALL, who turned 52 today. He established the Anthony Michael Hall Literacy Club, where at-risk youth explore genres not typically used to enhance literacy, such as films, music and lyrics, scripts, novels with audio.
R3 Q3 Answer
Bird eggshells are more than 95% CALCIUM CARBONATE (CaCO3). Calcium carbonate is also the main component of seashells, pearls, and snail shells. The US food industry generates 150,000 tons of eggshell waste per year.
R3 Q4 Answer
UC MERCED, the UC system’s latest university. @ucmerced also relocated construction of its campus when the original location was found to support fairy shrimp, and endangered species.
R3 Q5 Answer
That novel was JAWS. The Spielberg film—which Benchley also received writing credit on—became the first modern blockbuster. Later in his career, Benchley became a vocal ocean conservationist.
R3 Q6 Answer
This harvested product is called MYRRH. It’s of course a notable mention in the biblical tradition, but it is also prevalent in Chinese and Indian traditional medicine.
R3 Q7 Answer
Built by the Nabatean Empire, remains of the ancient city of Petra and the Al-Kazneh mausoleum are located in what is today the Kingdom of JORDAN.
R3 Q8 Answer
These singers were called CASTRATI. Boys were castrated before reaching puberty, thereby altering the development of their larynx. In Italy they first appeared in the 16th century, and the last well-known singer died in 1922.
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ZOOLOGY: The San Joaquin Valley is home to a highly endangered subspecies of cottontail rabbit. Give us the exact name of this type of rabbit. It’s a three-word name.
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WOMEN IN STEM: She lived 200 years ago in England and is now revered as the first prominent female paleontologist in Western science, credited with incredible discoveries of fossil reptiles. Name this woman in STEM.
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BOOKS: “The Ship Who Sang” is a 1969 novel about “brainships”—children born with severe physical disabilities who are given new life by transferring their brain to a spaceship body. Name the renowned woman author of these stories.
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ZOOLOGY: There’s a species of fast-swimming, black-striped fish that naturally prefers to swim alongside—but not stuck to— large sharks. What is the common name for this fish?
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FOOD: Chocolate is a non-perishable food due to its sugar content, but may have an unappetizing appearance due to aging or incorrect temperature storage: fats mobilize and sugars crystalize on the surface. What is the process called?
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SPONGIOLOGY: The Holy Sponge was used to give Jesus Christ vinegar to drink while he was on the cross. The use of sponges as a tool is not unique to humans; what other animal has been observed to use sponges?
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GEOGRAPHY: The Easter Lily, Lilium longiflorum, did not exist within the Roman Empire, but instead is native to what island country in the Pacific Ocean?
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GEOMETRY: Oloids, sphericons, Steinmetz solids, and Reuleaux tetrahedrons all have what unique trait in common?
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R4 Q1 Answer
This would be the RIPARIAN BRUSH RABBIT, federally listed as Endangered since 2000. There might only be 200~300 left in two locations around Modesto and Ripon.
R4 Q2 Answer
Her name was MARY ANNING. She described incredible fossils of ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, and pterosaurs. But of course, got little credit and could not present her research in person because of her gender.
R4 Q3 Answer
The author was the late ANNE McCAFFREY, who is better known for her fantasy novels about the dragons. However, she is to have said that The Ship Who Sang was her proudest work.
R4 Q4 Answer
This species is commonly called PILOT FISH. They are members of the jack family, like the hamachi in your sushi.
R4 Q5 Answer
BLOOMING. Chocolate bloom creates a white film on the chocolate surface. It can be repaired by melting the chocolate down, stirring it, then pouring it into a mold and allowing it to cool.
R4 Q6 Answer
Bottlenose DOLPHINS in Shark Bay in Western Australia will dip their nose into a sponge and use it as protection while scavenging the sea bottom. The activity is called sponging and is almost exclusively shown by females.
R4 Q7 Answer
TAIWAN. During World War II, the supply of Easter Lilies to the United States was cut off, prompting in-country cultivation of Easter Lilies near the town of Smith River, California.
R4 Q8 Answer
Like Easter eggs, all of these solids can ROLL down an incline. These solids have incredible shapes and are worth looking up. Oloids and sphericons were not discovered until 1929 and 1969, respectively.
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Until next time: #KeepScienceSpicy!!!
Reminder on R2 Q6 Answer: Of course we really meant radioCARBON dating. (Both Bens are clearly out of practice on the topic of dating...) #CapSciCommLive

Until next week: #KeepScienceSpicy! 🌶️🌶️🌶️