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Our Christian students will be celebrating a #holiday this weekend—not Shavuot but “Pentecost,” which means “50th” in their holy language of Ancient Greek, held on the 50th day after Yom #Easter, which always falls on “Sunday,” the Christian name for Firstday.
The Pope Gregory #calendar (the #religious #calendar used by Christians) ensures that “Pentecost,” commonly referred to as Christian Shavuot, also always falls on a “Sunday” (Firstday). You can learn more about the “Gregorian” calendar at
Although “Pentecost” falls on the 50th day after Yom Easter, and this period is more popularly known as the Third Christian Omer (sometimes called “Eastertide”), Christians do not have a custom of counting the days between these dates, with a bracha or otherwise.
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We have some exciting events & popups happening in the #NorthWest #Halton #Cheshire over #Spring & #Summer. Get your #Spring craft on @HaltonLibraries on the 18th March as part of @HaltonMakeFest, book on eventbrite. Catch us @natoutdoorexpo on the 19th March then come say Hi &
whittle a stick, make a little catapult & get arty with nature @HaltonMakeFest on the 25th of March in @HaltonLibraries, book on eventbrite . I am collaborating with the fab #CHI cafe #PhoenixPark & @RechargeRestore for @HaltonBC #HAF to offer #Easter
theme sessions on the 5th and 6th of April. Tickets will be getting released later for our #familyfriendly #Easteredition #EGGstravaganza @RHP_Halton on the 9th of April. #CoastalSchool kicks off on the 20th of April with @coop_portland which is so exciting then #TinyBitCurious
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The purpose of this thread is to establish that pizza restaurants have been used by criminal organizations for various criminal activities. I will also demonstrate that pizza was being used in a sexual/spiritual manner prior to November 2016.… ImageImage
This article from 2015, discusses how the mafia allegedly was buying up restaurants all over Rome to launder money. The article mentions that multiple pizzerias were raided.… ImageImage
This report, linked from the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS 1980) is titled “study of organized crime’s infiltration of the pizza and cheese industry”. The second link is the actual pdf document.…… ImageImage
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Good Friday Quotes
Important Good Friday Quotes
Good Friday Quotes About Christ
Quotes About Good Friday on Faith
Wisdom From Good Friday Quotes
Teachings From “Good Friday”
Quotes About Good Friday And The Cross
Good Friday Quotes On Death
Good Friday Quotes By Famous Personnel
Best Good Friday Quotes
Good Friday Quotes From The Bible Verses
Good Friday Quotes By John In Bible Verses
Quotes From The Bible Verses By Matthews
Psalms and Other Quotes In Bible Verses
Good Friday Quotes One-Liner
Short Quotes About Good Friday
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The Surp Pırgiç Church in Karaköy, #Istanbul is home to a unique ceremony that takes place once a year. The church was the first #Armenian Catholic church to be consecrated in the Ottoman Empire after the Armenian Catholic millet was recognised by Sultan Mahmud II in 1830.#Thread Image
When the church was first opened in 1834, Istanbul was suffering from a major plague outbreak. A painting of the Virgin Mary & Baby Jesus that was sent to the church as an inaugural gift from the #Vatican was paraded around the streets of Istanbul to ward off the plague. Image
Eventually, as the plague outbreak in the city died down, many attributed this to the miraculous powers of this painting in #SurpPırgiç. Sultan Mahmud II took note of this and gifted a diamond brooch to the church and its congregation. Image
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Text: Luke 24:1-6
Title: The Journey of life (2): Wonders of the cross



Focus on the pain and not the gain
Take your life's mission very serious
For us Christians, the cross has more meaning than just the Christian faith. It's a summary of the life of Jesus, it depicts God's plan for man's redemption.

The cross also symbolizes sacrifice and exchange of God's righteousness with the sinful nature of human. 1Peter 2:24
2Corinthians 5:21

The wonders of the cross.
1. We have enjoyed liberation from Sin
Sin means to miss the mark, not to measure up to the demand.

Romans 1:22-24, 3:3-4
Thank God, through Christ, we can not miss the mark. Ephesians 2:9, Hebrews 6:4-6
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Emily, elder to many, storyteller, truthteller, struggling for words w/ brain tumor, says:

"Dare to be golden. Dare to love without judgements, conditions or fear of being judged. Be gentle with each other and yourselves; and trust that you are where the heart is held. (more)🧵
"It can be a difficult and cold world
but these guiding principles have brought joy and warmth to me and those around me throughout my life.
This is the gift that we have been given. (more)🧵
"We must trust that the connection is whole and not broken and let the message come through us.

I hear a call, I trust the call of those who bring hard truths and welcome us to be who we can be in this moment.

My time is too short but I have trusted the intention. (more) 🧵
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Happy Easter Everyone!

Today, we look back at the history of Easter to our nation's relationship to this holiday and how we can learn to come together on this day in the midst of the present crisis...

#srilanka #history #easter #eastersunday #EconomicCrisisLK #GoHomeGota2022
The Holiday celebrates the resurrection of Christ. According to the New Testament, this occurred 3 days after he was crucified in 30 AD. This holiday concludes the 40 day period of fasting that began with Lent.
Specifically for our nation, Christianity probably first arrived around 72 AD after St. Thomas visited Kerala and his teaching spread southward. However, most of the nation's Christian population came from conversions during the colonial period.
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#GoodFriday is arguably the darkest day in all of human history. The day we killed love incarnate, truth incarnate, and God incarnate because He forced us to confront our own sin. So why do we call it good? Because He chose that death on our behalf, dying the death we deserved.
There is no other way to satisfy the justified wrath of God against us, there is no other qualified atonement for our sin, and there is no other way to ultimately reconcile ourselves to the only living God without the recognition of what happened on #GoodFriday and why.
#GoodFriday is God’s answer to the evil in the world, which we caused. An offer of an undeserving atoning sacrifice that when accepted will begin to make all things new. For God confronts the evil in this world at the molecular level where it starts — in our collective hearts.
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#StayTuned as MPD hosts a number of #Easter 🐇events with our communities in all 7 districts. Follow this thread to see some of our fun activities. Thank you to all our partners! 🥚🌷🥚💐🥚
Last week, the First District hosted an Easter Egg event @ Amidon Elementary School. Cmdr. Bryant along with other MPD members enjoyed an Easter egg hunt and other fun activities with the students.
Members of the Strategic Engagement Office along with the Easter 🐰 hosted an 🥚 hunt for students at JC Nalle Elementary School.
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Singer Traci Braxton of 'Braxton Family Values' dies at 50… <--- Pink lipstick. Srsly, how often do women wear that? Uses one eye symbolism. Mentions light, kids. Surprised "heartbreaking" not in it. S'pose they included enough to please the Big Guy.
Another story in which (transgender) sleb is shown wearing pinky-purple lipstick. That is so distinctive, innit? (Also, what do you use to *blow whistle*? Lips, right?) Kid mentioned as well. What are the odds? #symbolism #occultelite Image
At 55, Halle Berry Shows Off Super Toned Legs in Bikini While Skateboarding in New IG Post… <--- We can be thankful she's not 52. Risky age for famous, esp in Australia. In any case, there's heart again in form of Lolita glasses. They look pink too.
Read 79 tweets
1/ Attention fellow sugar addicts:

Today is the soft-open of my new business, Marcenet Mercantile, named after my grandmothers, Marcella and Neta.

(BONUS: Discount code 15PERCENTOFF)

Shown here: home made marshmallows enrobed in Belgian Chocolate.

👉… Image
2/ I won't be posting every day about chocolates or caramel or cookies, but about once a week, I will add things to my store and will post about them. Pictured here: home made caramels in the best Belgian dark chocolate on the market.

➡️… Image
3/ If someone told me I'd become a chocolatier in my 50's, I would have said...yeah, that sounds about right. 🤣 When one door shuts, a window opens, which is great unless you get too fat from eating the "mistakes" to fit through a window. ➡️… ImageImageImageImage
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#Breaking: #Egypt executed a Coptic monk convicted for killing an abbot in an ancient desert monastery, his brother has told .@AFP. Hany Tawadros said "we were told at 8 am this morning that the execution took place in Damanhour prison & I am on my way to pick up the body"
"I didn't even tell the rest of the family because I didn't want them to be heartbroken. We thank God in any case," Tawadros told me. Security & judicial sources also confirmed his hanging by rope to .@AFP, which comes a couple of weeks after at least 9 were executed #Egypt
In a case that shocked the Middle East's largest religious minority, prosecutors said the ex-monk confessed to the murder. But in his testimony, a sobbing Tawadros, accused interrogators of stripping him naked & torturing him to confess. Our .@afp story:…
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Good afternoon #PrimeMinister,
Reading the @Telegraph article below has caused me significant angst. As a healthcare professional who has seen just what #COVID19 can do, I am struggling to understand the rationale behind this decision.
Just as we are unlocking cautiously you want to risk the lives of more individuals by removing one of the few mitigations in secondary schools?
We know that #COVIDisAirborne & that we have several #VariantsOfConcern here already.
Have you seen this chart #PrimeMinister?
V few <40s will be vaccinated by May 17th & while their individual risk of serious disease or dying is low, their risk of #LongCovid is MODERATE!
Many parents & teaching staff are <40.
The numbers of #NHS & teaching staff w/ it already are horrendous. Why put more ppl at risk?
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This morning's Pause for Thought: (Thread)

I’ve been thinking about three people this week.
- Jesus, as it was Easter weekend.
- Martin Luther King Jr, as it was the 53rd anniversary of his assassination on Sunday.

#Easter #MLK53 #MLKDAY
- And Mahatma Gandhi, as today is the anniversary of The Salt March – a 24 day protest against the British Salt Tax in India.

We often talk of Jesus, Gandhi, and Martin Luther-King Jr. in glowing terms. But actually their lives were lives of difficulty.
All three of them promoted non-violent resistance against injustice, yet often I feel we sanitise their stories, and neuter their contributions to history.
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The same @Pontifex who condemned Azerbaijan’s military aggression against Armenia, the same Pope to recognize the #ArmenianGenocide you deny, and the same Pope that on Easter called on #Azerbaijan to #FreeArmenianPows

Oh and by the way, read this Nasimi
From talking about @Pontifex and #Easter to fake propaganda and #Armenophobia #DontBelieveAzerbaijan Image
1) King Urnayr of Caucasian Albania was baptized by Catholicos Saint Gregory the Illuminator in 314. Caucasian Albania along with Caucasian Iberia (326) were extremely intertwined with Armenia and among the first nations to convert to Christianity. Nothing to do with Azerbaijan.
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I just popped on here for a minute to get a news update and there are debates going on in my mentions about Mary Magdalene. This reminds me that one of the best things about Twitter is the side order of erudition.

Mary Magdalene is a pivotal figure in the Easter story.
The debate over Magdalene's status as an unmarried woman hanging out with married and unmarried men has been going on for millennia and is very much about erasing her role and that of all women in the Christian story. Something to contemplate, since Jesus was not sexist.
Whether she was or was not an actual sex worker, that her story is framed as a "fallen" woman is meant to diminish her role as, with John the Apostle, Jesus's confidant. Magdalene was the person that the risen Jesus first appeared to. Then John. Those Jesus loved most.
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On the 53rd anniversary of the day Dr. King was assassinated, here is a #thread of #speeches and #sermons in which he speaks truth to power, shares about his philosophy of nonviolence, and expounds on issues of injustice and what our righteous, rigorous response should be. #MLK Image
“We’re coming to get our check.” #MLK on #poverty, #economic inequality, and America’s refusal to distribute “land to Black people, although the nation distributed land to other groups.
Today also marks the 54th anniversary of #MLK’s ‘Beyond #Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence.’ Please spend some time with it. “If America's soul becomes totally poisoned, part of the autopsy must read: Vietnam.” Link:
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“No Lie Can Hold This Body Down” | A Resurrection Sunday Sermon by Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II…
“Evil may so shape events that Caesar will occupy a palace and Christ a cross, but that same Christ will rise up and split history into A.D. and B.C., so that even the life of Caesar must be dated by his name.” -Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
When I see what some so-called Christian pastors and politicians are doing in the name of Jesus, it makes me ask the resurrection question, "What have they done with my Lord?" #Easter #Easter2021
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In 1920, the "Nabi Musa" celebrations took place on April 4, coinciding with #Passover and the Greek Orthodox #Easter.
Amin al-Husseini, who was then at the beginning of his career, and Araf al-Araf stirred up the celebrating crowd with enthusiastic hate speech that day.
As a result, after the traditional prayer at the end of the holiday, the incited #Arab crowd marched from the mosque in the Judean Desert, 20 kilometers from #Jerusalem, to the homes of the #Jews in Old Jerusalem, shouting "Adbah al-Yehud" (Slaughter the Jews).
And a call that later turned out to be correct - "a-Daula Mana" ("The (British) government is with us").
The #Arab crowd shouted "Independence Independence" & sang: "#Palestine is our land - the #Jews are our dogs." During all this time, #Arab
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Part 1 of our short film "This is Bible Science "यह है बाइबिल विज्ञान!"

What are your children learning?
Part 2:
Part 3:
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An #Easter basket is incomplete without Peeps. How are these marshmallow blobs made?

We visited Just Born's Pennsylvania factory to see how @PEEPSBrand's iconic treats come to life. 👇
Peeps are a household name.

People use them nationwide to make dioramas, participate in the "100 Peeps challenge," and even pop them in the microwave to see if they'll explode.
Easter accounts for 70% of Peeps' annual sales.

But Peeps fell into the Just Born company's lap sort of by accident.…
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