But they're struggling to raise what they need to serve.
Thread on why #DAFs must step up to help —nytimes.com/reuters/2020/0…
As @hasanminhaj explains—they're one of the fastest growing vehicles for charitable giving in the US.
They're appealing bc when you give to a DAF, you take the tax break now—w/out any legal requirement of $ to go to nonprofits. Indefinitely.
Financial companies like @Fidelity, @CharlesSchwab, @GoldmanSachs & @Vanguard_Group all manage massive #DAF funds—which together hold billions in tax-exempt dollars.vox.com/recode/2019/7/…
We’ve conservatively estimated that contributions to #DAFs cost ~$300M/yr in the form of foregone revenue that otherwise would’ve gone to CA's Gen Fund—funding schools & vital gov't programs.fastcompany.com/90299375/this-…
That means our most vulnerable are increasingly reliant on our nonprofits to get through this—

And donors to #DAFs, w/their large balances of contributions that have already received tax breaks, *must* step up to help save our nonprofits.cnn.com/2020/03/20/opi…
*Now* is the time for DAFs to live up to their intent. To benefit the public.
We're all counting on #DAFs to #MeetTheMoment.philanthropy.com/article/The-Co…