But this stuff isn’t easily available.
Two ways to get it are:
- source internationally
- produce it at home
But both are problematic. /thread
Prices are soaring, which is a big problem for developing countries in urgent need of this stuff, and even efficient sourcers like 🇩🇪 hit capacity constraints. /2
But this also proves to be damn hard. Why? Because jump-starting production from scratch isn’t easy. /3
Once a vaccine is available, nobody cares much about #Covid_19 quick-tests and face masks anymore.
Not an ideal investment environment /4
But market signals aren’t strong enough to trigger tests&mask production in Europe, yet supply from Asia is insufficient. /5
But there are some pitfalls. /6
It’s not enough to get a few 🇩🇪underwear producers on board, who start minuscule mask production just for the marketing show. For serious business, you need much more. /7
This would lure crooks who then supply crappy quality, and more importantly, it could distract serious medical companies (which are surely capable to manufacture masks&tests) from their true mission to invent the vaccine. /8
But the basic trade-off for the guaranteed purchasing price remains. /9
And now let’s see the practical advice by my fellow free-market, liberal economist friends 😊 /End