For how long will the current (almost complete) shutdown of the economy have to last?
Just 1-2 months? 6 months? A year? Even longer?
Nobody knows for sure, but recent studies give some hope. /Thread
Also the acceptance in the general public will evaporate over time, because not all agree with it and are willing & able to bear the costs.
For now, most people seem to accept it. But this will change if the "exit day" is pushed into the gray future. /3
It contains many insights. But two strike me as particularly important.
First, it suggests that mere "mitigation" of #COVIDー19 is simply not enough. /4…
Those are the numbers that the #justtheflu movement would have to confront /5

However, it also has some bad news... /6

So this creates a pretty dismal outlook, shared for example by economists like @ojblanchard1 /8…
When social distancing is switched off ... /10…

Apparently the Imperial study neglected this, and relied on a model with too simplistic & adaptive assumptions /11
We have decided to start social distancing and the economic shutdown. For good reasons, because mere mitigation (#justtheflu) is simply not feasible. /12
Apparently, there is some hope that it *can* stop before the vaccine has been found. But this requires action... /13
This is, appearently, what South Korea has successfully done and Europe needs to learn from it /14…
This is first order. The details of the economic rescue package (loans, transfers, ...) come second. /END