Didn't prepare? Don't worry there STILL time.
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is a month of gratefulness.
Whoever makes it to this month, it's another 29/30 day opportunity & gift from God to spiritually cleanse, rid of bad habits, harvest good character.
God forgives your past if you live up to your potential from now.
Prepare & focus.
is about will power to see it to end
30 days of dedication
30 days to undo a habit or more
30 days to refocus
30 days of spiritual calibration of your mind, body, & soul
Take it seriously
Read this statement of our Prophet Muhammad peace be on him.
One of the most poweful statements of our Beloved about the status of those who fast & struggle to conquer their ego in this blessed month.
This always motivates me!

How do we make this a time of Spiritual Refinement?
No matter how far youve been from God the entire year, maybe your life, this month is a chance. We fast for God: for clarity in purpose
The 5 pillars each erase sins
Cut back on:
🔹️arguments on social media
🔹️endless browsing your TL for no reason
🔹️ "series" that you "have to watch"
🔹️daily routine
🔹️goal sheet
🔹️psychological reminding yourself to not respond to things that annoy you
🔹️set a MINIMUM Quran reading & one w translation
- 1 juz for anyone that can read fluently - it takes 20-30 minutes
for those that struggle: anything in your capability.
🔹️podcast of tafsir you will go through
🔹️dhikr: morning, evening, daily
MAS AbdulHaleem - Oxford
Free PDF
Get it done. Read it all or as much as you can during #Ramadan
Write down your reflections.
@IhsaanFusion app called MyDuaa
Do your morning, evening, & after prayers adhkar
How to be regular in dhikr?
If moving around do it.
Put it in your mind you wont do side thing till you do dhikr.

🔹️Morning, Evening, After Salah (see previous tweet)
*At least* 100x:
🔹️SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
🔹️Astaghfirullah wa atubu ilaih
🔹️la ilaha illa Allah wahdahu la sharika lahu
Lahu al mulku wa lahu alhamdu
Wa huwa 'ala kulli shayyin Qadir
@QalamInstitute Podcast
- Heartwork
@FaithSpaceHQ @FaithSpaceUK
Faith Podcast
There is also plenty of tafsir online from
sh ANJ
There is MORE than enough!
1. Youre not overwhelmed & have a plan, so you get it done
2. Aim always to do minimum but sometimes youll have more time or in the mood to do more. Capitalize on it!
You did 1 juz? Go for 2, 3, etc
1. "Whoever fasts Ramadan
2. "Whoever stands in the night in prayer in Ramadan
3. "Whoever stands in the night in prayer on night of power (Laylat Al Qadr)
... w faith in God & hoping to be rewarded, the sins theyve done will be forgiven."
This is a month of intentions.
ما من امرئٍ تكون له صلاة بليل، فغلبه عليها نوم ، إلا كُتب له أجر صلاته، وكان نومه صدقةً عليه
- Ibn Al Jawzi
In the Company of Those Who Fast by sh Salman AlOdah
Download it here free:
Daily To Do List
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Dhikr & Dua App to download: MyDuaa
Scroll up for podcast list.

We feed into our own misery by airing the worst examples of character by responding to them.
battle your ego & want to publicize your acts of devotion: your reciting Quran, your prayer at night, your dua, charity, etc
Let the only audience be God & let your contentment be in His appreciation not of others.
'Omg tarawih was long'
'Making all this iftar was worth it'
'Having finished your quran for the day #goals '
Publicizing your deeds makes you battle intentions, & there is nothing in this world more difficult in conquering than your ego & self.
Make what you do count, not count what you do.
Enjoy #Ramadan
Daily consistency is the key
It sets you up for victory
Others will shed tears in thankfulness for being blessed to witness it.
What a blessing.
May we be able to harvest the good.
May we seek strength through its energy.
May it be accepted.