During my residency at @MGHMedicine I started a habit of taking a break by walking the halls late at night when on call. My hospital is noticeably more empty at night in the non-patient care areas. I enjoy the casual encounters that take place here. It was lonely. 2/

The loneliness in the hallways reflects the isolation you feel as an attending managing #COVID19 pts. Past medschool, I’ve never spent so much time saying, “I don’t know.” We’re still learning about this disease. It feels like you’re in a black box at times. 3/

Luckily, the “I don’t know” is so widely shared that it’s a point of bonding among colleagues I knew by name/face but never—really—knew. #Surgeons, #Anesthesiology, #Pediatrics, all together. We teach and learn from each other, We’re becoming better for it. 4/

Growth and betterment require change. A lot has changed in the several wks we have been dealing with #COVID19. Some as mundane as how I press an elevator button. But some as large as my unit’s defining culture. What’s worth keeping? How will we/you change? 5/

Everyone seems to harbor guilt. Guilt for their family if they’re on the front lines. Guilt if they aren’t on the front lines. Guilt if they still have a job. Mine is it’s harder to be engaged at home. My wife made this beautiful song. I was home. I didn’t even notice. 6/
I’m ready because I have the love and support of my family, my friends, my colleagues, and my community. #HealthCareWorkers and #EssentialWorkers need this support to keep going. 8/