I studied in an amazing institute here and in the US, was able to practice and teach there.
Which brings us to the basic question "Are dentists doctors?"
And the answer is Yes AND No! and it does not end with being a doctor. We are much more than just that. Let's see how.
In my opinion, there is no profession as amazing as dentistry. Because it is a unique combination of MULTIPLE professions: Medicine, surgery, psychiatry, psychology, engineering, art, enterpreneurship,
Lets see how:
1) Medicine: Believe it or not, we study a fair bit of the basic medical subjects like Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc. And attached to every tooth is a HUMAN BEING.
We need to be able to evaluate a person's physicial health
With people living longer and more and more diseases more
We play a vital role in detecting primary and secondary oral cancer. Eg. The first area for secondary spread of breast cancer is the mandible (Lower jaw). A simple panoramic xray can be life saving and guess
2) Surgery: We are able to painlessly inject and anesthetize a considerable area of your upper or lower jaw to be able to work painlessly while keeping you awake and conscious. We are able to remove nerves from teeth and relieve excruciating pain.
We place titanium implants INTO people's jaws with near zero discomfort and give them a
3) Psychiatry and Psychology: The next 25 people you meet, ask them "Are you scared of the dentist?" I don't need to tell you what MOST people will answer. Way way back, that might be justified. Today with amazing anesthetics,
This is where we have to tackle the mental aspect of the patient and be able to treat them without phobia.
4) Engineering: The orthodontist aka the braces doctor has to use physics, bone quality, vectors, growth pattern, compliance etc while treating patients. When we place implants, we have to manage torque
6) Enterpreneurship, business and HR: At the end of the day, the real question is "Are dentists professionals
Just think of all the facets of our profession and think of us as dentists. Don't get into comparisons.
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