When I came back from the US in late 2018, one of my goals was to create awareness about oral health. I was very surprised to hear how many people don't know its essential to brush multiple times.
#oralhealth #preventivecare #brushyourteeth
Teeth can get two main diseases: Caries/cavities and periodontal/gum disease. Both are multi factorial but start with two main factors: Diet and oral hygiene.
Basically food left on teeth causes caries and under the gums causes periodontal issues. Plain and simple. Some foods are worse than others but oral hygiene is key. So lets start with brushing.
1) As soon as you wake up
2) After breakfast
4) Before going to bed.
#3 ideally is after lunch but if school/work make it difficult then as soon as you come home.
There is no debate here!
It also helps keeps the gums clean.
Too many people believe an electric toothbrush destroys enamel! NO WAY! I have used one for years and I have all my enamel intact.
It ensures you brush ALL surfaces of ALL teeth.
It ensures you brush long enough!
It ensures it gets slightly under your gums and keeps the "sulcus" clean.
It keeps the junction between old dental work and teeth free of deposits!
And dental work is NOT a vaccine. You can and you will get caries and infection on old work.
If there is food accumulating, bacteria will get there and produce acids which cause caries. Caries leads to infection. Hence keeping teeth with work
Fact 3: A fluoride containing toothpaste is crucial.
Fluoride makes the enamel more resistant to the action of acids mentioned above. Hence ensure your toothpaste has fluoride in it. The proven one is Colgate Total.
Fact 3: Powders and manjans are harmful.
These products contain abrasives which damage your enamel. Same with the "whitening toothpastes" or "baking soda".
Who came up with the idea of using baking soda to brush teeth any way?
I am always amazed when I see patients, in India or the US, with perfectly clean outside and biting surfaces but large deposits on the inside. Specially the inside of your lower teeth.
Thats where the food is right?
Fact 5: You need to brush your kid's teeth. I will post a separate thread on what toothpaste to use for them. But from age 15 months, start brushing their teeth.
But they need to see YOU do it. If you do that, they will follow. Make it a game. Sing songs. Let them "brush" your teeth. But do it!
I will end this thread of repeating this most important point:
1) As soon as you wake up
2) After breakfast
4) Before going to bed.
#3 ideally is after lunch but if school/work make it difficult then as soon as you come home.
There is no debate here!
#oralhealth #teeth #brushing #cavities #caries #gumdisease #adults #kids #dentist
#oralhealth #teeth #brushing #cavities #caries #gumdisease #adults #kids #dentist
1) Oral B and SonicCare are the best brands. If someone is coming from the West, have them get you one.
2) FLossing is VERY IMPORTANT. Important enough to get it's own thread later.
3) Using a mouth rinse is a separate thread too.