My favourite quote is - In the Chinese Language - the word for Crisis is - 危机 (WeiJi or Wéijī) which means Danger + Opportunity
This is my wishlist🧵
But is Land only enough?…
India is lacking a bit on everything ...
Capital is expensive as Banks have to lend to priority sector and keep writing off bad loans to Agriculture
PSU Banks and PSUs lose money and need to be recapitalised regularly.
In the land parcels - make them Special Economic Zones, where Labor Law is lax.
Step 2:
Gradually phase out subsidies. In a stepwise manner - probably 10% a year (e.g. passenger rail fares) and make farmers pay small token amount for power and raise gradually
Identify where our capacity is low.
E.g. We have too few police, judges, doctors.
Aim to close the gap in 10years by increasing recruitment in the steps (~10% a year)
Allow more private hospitals to have Medical colleges to train Drs and Nurses. Reduce the shortage
Only very few cities (2 cities of 20million population, 8 metros more than 5million, and 50 cities more than 1million)
We need to urbanise faster -> and government can push urbanisation by shifting from Metros to Tier 2
1. Remove Capital, Mantralaya, MLA Bungalows, outside another city where new infrastructure can be built
2. Remove Western and Central Railway HQs and the staff quarters to another city (e.g. Baroda and Nasik)
3. Navy Nagar move from Colaba to Uran
The money from these asset sales can be used to build infrastructure in other cities and replicate this infra.
Add Schools, Colleges, Hospitals, metro
While this has vested interest of politicians, builders, mafia in keeping property prices high
Too many slabs, too many exemptions, too many classifications in GST.
A simple one - 12% on Services and 18% on Goods should be enough.
Tax guys should focus more on efficiency of implementation - than 'Is #KitKat biscuit or a chocolate'
Same way - simple income tax - remove deductions and 'Leave Travel Allowance' 'Housing Rent Allowance' etc
Just progressive tax slabs capped at 33%
Capital gains - is gain on Capital Investment, and this capital was accrued after paying legit taxes.
Just one rate of Capital Gains Tax - subject to indexation.
Applicable on Real Estate, Equities, Debt or FDs
Keep a high level of indexation - but beyond that - keep it simple.
This makes it attractive for foreign companies to put up in India, and Indian companies to invest more.
A lot of such reforms, each one by one, and gradual phasing out of subsidies - on Kerosene, Fertilizers, Electricity, Rent (Bombay Rent Act) etc
(PS a Silver Bullet does exist - one by @royalenfield)…
Any sudden shock (e.g. huge rise in prices due to removal of subsidies) might cause a big problem.
But a phased manner of cleaning up clogs which slow down the system, and removing constraints of complex tax codes will speed up the progress
Or an old Ambassador Car. It has too many old parts which are creaking and slow down the vehicle.
By replacing one part at a time, nothing much happens initially - but as multiple bottlenecks are out, whole thing moves
Thus many mini shocks after the HUGE shock due to #Covid19 might just seem palatable.
Can they actually deliver?
Would the vested interests of Babus, Politicians, Builders, Mafia keep it still under check?