This does not mean you should take mega-doses of Vitamin D! That's not good for you.
But it does suggest you should check with your doctor about your Vitamin D levels. #Thread
"the data suggests that [Vitamin D] is also likely to reduce serious COVID-19 complications."…
See the article:…
Warning about excess Vitamin D…

Vitamin D may suppress cytokine storm in COVID19 patients. Data from 10 countries suggest patients with vitamin D deficiency were 2x as likely to experience severe complications, including death.…
Analysis suggests Vitamin D could reduce the mortality rate by as much as half - researcher Vadim Backman.
China, France, Germany, Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States.
See the article:…
Analysis of 176 elderly (least 60 years) patients for Vitamin D levels
"awareness on Vitamin D benefits in fighting infections, such as COVID-19, should be disseminated especially to the vulnerable elderly population"
Paper at SSRN:…

retrospective cohort study
"Results revealed that majority of the death cases were male and older and had pre-existing condition and below normal Vitamin D serum level"
Paper at SSRN:…

"This small, retrospective observational study suggests a link between [Vitamin D insufficiency] and severe COVID-19. "
VDI prevalence in ICU patients: 84.6%
In floor patients: 57.1%
Paper at MedRXiv…
"Of 49 patients with mild symptoms of Covid-19 in three hospitals in southern Asian countries, only two had low levels of vitamin D; of 104 patients with critical or severe symptoms, only four did not have low levels of vitamin D."
* dark-skinned people (pigment blocks sunlight);
* obese people (the vitamin gets sequestered in fat cells);
* type-2 diabetics (vitamin D improves the body’s sensitivity to insulin);
* the elderly
* city dwellers…
Paper at SSRN (April)…

Analyzed 25 randomized controlled trials (total 11,321 participants, aged 0 to 95 years)
Vitamin D supplementation was safe.
"protected against acute respiratory tract infection overall"…