While I wait, what are you going to do with your kids?
#bcpoli #covid19 @NEWS1130
This is not returning to before - classes will look very different that they did before the virus.
#bcpoli #covid19 @NEWS1130
Says standards will be the same across the province.
So far 5000+ students in schools
#bcpoli #covid19 @NEWS1130
Plexiglass protector for drivers.
@Rob_Fleming says it will be safe - it has to be.
Also stepping up mental health support because this is / has been a stressful time for everyone incl kids.
#bcpoli #covid19 @NEWS1130
Asking parents to follow schedule provided.
Also says parents need to do health assessments of kid's each school day.
#bcpoli #covid19 @NEWS1130
She says like schools, daycares will need to take additional precautions:
more separate activities when indoors, outdoor as much as possible.
#bcpoli #covid19 @NEWS1130
#bcpoli #covid19 @NEWS1130
@Rob_Fleming says these details are being worked on now - classes will stay with teacher where possible - there will be a few exceptions.
#bcpoli #covid19 @NEWS1130
#bcpoli #covid19 @NEWS1130
@Rob_Fleming says they want to recognize that kids who are graduating this year won't get the big party they would without a pandemic. working to support families/kids
#bcpoli #covid19 @NEWS1130
@Rob_Fleming assured kids wouldn't be penalized for being in a pandemic. working with post secondary leaders re transcripts - generous consideration for everyone wanting to graduate and move on
#bcpoli #covid19 @NEWS1130
The one day a week allowed in June will allow for more in-person prep time.
#bcpoli #covid19 @NEWS1130
going to have district principals fill in roles in some rural areas, ToCs are stepping up.
Q will there be inequities between districts
@Rob_Fleming says working to ensure equality
#bcpoli #covid19 @NEWS1130
Denmark is one that is most interesting & instructive looking at a new normal @Rob_Fleming says - also NZ and some other scandanavian countries.
Greatest influence is Dr Henry, @CDCofBC
#bcpoli #covid19 @NEWS1130
Yes - @Rob_Fleming says
@KatrinaCBurnaby says centres must decide what's best for them. financial supports remain in place if they decide not to open/return
#bcpoli #covid19 @NEWS1130
@Rob_Fleming working on summer school plans not extending school year.
layoffs... next
#bcpoli #covid19 @NEWS1130
So that's not a no.
#bcpoli #covid19 @NEWS1130
@Rob_Fleming there are diverse reactions - tried to make sure something for every comfort levet.
(this is what I have so far in my very informal poll so far)
#bcpoli #covid19 @NEWS1130

@Rob_Fleming People who are showing symptoms of illness - no matter what their job should stay home.
#bcpoli #covid19 @NEWS1130