- a nuanced and high-quality discussion (both by MdBs and experts)
- #Bundestag faces dilemma (required by @BVerfG to review @ecb policies, but unclear how) - a short thread 1/x
- Should be easy for @ecb, which has already published a lot of information 2/x
- One solution could be to allow for dissenting opinions in ECJ to enhance quality of/nuance in @EUCourtPress decisions 4/x
- Proposal (Prof. Meyer) could be realized by relying on the Brexit decision by the @EUCourtPress (i.e. declare withdrawal but then withdraw declaration & negotiate new currency) 5/x
- Burning question is whether #Bundestag must decide with 2/3 majority (@BVerfG ESM-judgment of 2014 could require it) - most experts say only simple majority required 7/end