✔️Curate a private memorial or other virtual space for Black employees to process and grieve.
✔️Relieve Black Employee Resource Group (ERG) members and leaders from all things. Managing the company through this is not part of their roles.
✔️Mobilize other ERGs to ally in ways prescribed by the Black ERG or an internal or external #DiversityandInclusion leader.
✔️With Black employee consent, express solidarity in team settings & actively facilitate discussion so Black employees don’t carry the ensuing emotional labor.
✔️Host an expert-led company conversation on how to be antiracist.
✔️Put recurring time on the calendar now to assess progress against these quantitative goals.
Because the embers in Minneapolis will cool and so will your emotions. And you’ll shift your attention back to the coronavirus and remote work and Q3 priorities and [fill in the blank].
What will you do about it? Enough is enough.
@hydnbrwn and I are building out annotated resources to enable other companies to design active playbooks to uplift Black team members. 👇🏿✊🏿🙌🏿 upwork.com/resources/arti…