Every person that will suffer, that will die, because of these protests, these riots, is on Trump and his accomplices.
#CoronavirusPandemic #COVID19
#COVID19Pandemic #coronavirus
#riots2020 #CoronavirusUSA
His actions and inactions in the last weeks, and months, regarding the pandemic have ensured this outcome.
From the very beginning he has lied and denied.
He has thrived in confusion, misinformation and disinformation.
He has ensured that trust was misplaced, lost or forgotten.
Instead of leading by example he has selfishly divided the country.
Making it all much worse.
Every day that he has ignored science, that he has stomped and spat on truth and facts, is one more day where their ignorance and arrogance grew.
Fueled by his acceptance, they have embraced it all.
Transformed it into hate and derision.
They have indulged him with his delusions of grandeur.
He declares enemies left and right.
And so, these enemies, are hated, insulted, mocked and disrespected.
With followers as his shield and with accomplices as his army, his cruelty grew.
His actions affect the USA and the entire world.
And he doesn't care.
He thinks he is the greatest showman alive and the world is his stage.
A pandemic is another inconvenience to be ignored.
And the show must not go on.
For Trump, the heartbreak of what George Floyd's death represented was just one more thing to ignore.
To tarnish.
Instead of seeing that America could not handle any more pain, any more confusion and fear.
Trump made it all worse.
With his words. Again.
This time, his arrogance, his ignorance and lies were the final stroke.
He had paved the way to chaos.
And now, he has lost control of the world of distrust that he had created.
And it needs to stop.
For George Floyd, for those that are hurting, for those that are scared.
And for those that will hurt.
A pandemic is not a person, it can not be fooled nor ignored.
The United States of America will be the biggest preventable tragedy.
And it didn't have to be this way.