But at night, a far different contingent emerged.
A thread of what @JackRodgersCNS & I witnessed:

This was a part of our day that became confusing. Fast.
As we walked, ppl suddenly came running up from behind, moving toward a small clearing among some trees & toward the street
Then, moments later, again w/the pepper spray. This time, we moved further and darted between squad cars flanking the street.
The look on the face of the shirtless man with his hands up says more than I ever could:

An observation: on the one occasion Saturday we witnessed vandalism happening in real-time, it was a young white male tagging "F12"; shorthand for "fuck the police."
- Repeatedly listened to BLM activists and affiliates advocate for peace and actively argue AGAINST destruction of property.
"This is our city. We built this city. This is your hard work. Don't destroy it."
- Listened to multiple black protesters say this isn't a "black vs white, us vs. them" issue. For many I heard it was important to have it expressed that oppression/inequality is founded in *systemic* racism requiring more than platitudes to dismantle.

A memorial to the 25-year-old Baltimorean #FreddieGray, who was killed in police custody 5 years ago.

Tomorrow, June 3, @JackRodgersCNS and I will be out on the streets again. Stay tuned.

You can read the story on what @JackRodgersCNS and I witnessed today here:
Below, McPherson Square.

Let's take a look.
"We're Going to Keep Getting Madder until Black Lives Matter."
Photos by me and @JackRodgersCNS.


We interviewed her.
Read more about that (and this day) here: courthousenews.com/people-are-tir…

I'll continue this diary shortly.
More photos left from June 3 to share and of course, there are a few hundred images from today's demonstrations.
You can catch up on what we saw on June 4 here:
(Left: May 30-31)
(Right: June 3)