The mayor issued an 8 pm curfew for tonight. Protesters have two hours and then police wouls presumably begin arrests.

He said organizers have been doing a way job keeping things calm but people “infiltrated” the protest with a different agenda.
Said half of those arrested last night were from out of town.
Kraus says they had info that some protesters were going to loot.
“You don’t have to go to jail for justice.”
Tarrant County is historically Republican, but it voyed majority democrat for the first time in decades in the 2018 election between Beto O’Rourke and Ted Cruz.
20 minutes until curfew.
#fortworthprotest #GeorgeFloyd #protests2020

“If you want to go home, go home. But remember Atatiana Jefferson was shot in her home,” someone said in the megaphone.
“When SWAT leaves, we leave,” one person shouted to the crowd
“You just showed the nation how it’s done,” Chief Kraus yells.
- the first officer who kneeled and the ones who followed did so on their own
- when the protesters rushed forward to embrace the officers, special response team thought it was an attack
They talked and prayed. Protesters said of SRT left, they would too, so Kraus gave the order.
Check out -@JHowl04 and @ByJamesHartley, who are atil covering the Dallas protests.
Here's the story, which includes some incredible photos from @AMcCoyPhoto #GeorgeFloyd #protests2020 #FortWorth…