When history books are written, they will note that the revolution came during - not after - the 2020 pandemic when a Black-led uprising against systemic injustices spread across the USA & beyond.
#BlackSpring #BlackLivesMatter

They have grown into a revolution against systemic racism and police brutality.
And also the ways the State fails to “provide,” protect,” and other mirages exposed by the pandemic.
When the oppressed and the marginalized rise up, “peace” and patience are demanded *of* them in a way it was never demanded *for* them.
There is nothing peaceful or patient about the State’s monopoly over violence which it delegates to police thugs.
Poverty is violent.
White supremacist capitalist patriarchy is violent.
And without systemic change it will not end.
That’s what the uprising across the US recognizes.
The violence of racism, capitalism, and patriarchy plays out internationally.
Protests outside the US are in solidarity with the demands of the uprising in the US; they also recognize how they resonate locally.
And that is revolutionary.
And for Black women, sexism makes it worse.
When people outside the US see injustice of that & recognize how those injustices play out locally, that’s revolutionary.
Remember the oppression of Black votes.
Remember the decades and decades of State violence against Black communities perpetrated by both Democrats and Republicans.
Remember: white supremacy, capitalism, patriarchy are bipartisan.