💡RCT of weekly #PRO reporting and self-mx vs usual care for pts on chemo.
❗️ ⬆️early sx control, self-efficacy and #QOL w/o increasing clinical workload.
❓adapt for IO/ targeted therapy, monitoring during #COVID19

💡Developed algorithm for composite scores for PRO-CTCAE, combining frequency, severity and interference into a single metric like CTCAE.
❗️Will aid PRO-CTCAE uptake/ interpretation in trials/ routine care

💡Qualitative study n=147 nurses, oncologists, data mx, pts.
⬆️pt awareness of sx, communication btw pts and carers, quality of care.
❓ challenges- limited consult time + nursing time to rv PROs

❗️ #PRO-CTCAE severity/interference assoc with CTCAE G2/3/4 AEs, dose interruptions and discontinuations.
❓ How can we incorporate #PRO info to define tolerable doses

💡479 pts, PRO-CTCAE @ baseline,4,12 wks
❗️Valid in Ph1, small-mod correlation with distress level and FACT-G
❗️PROs can accurately capture sx, inform tolerability of novel tx