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Jun 5th 2023
Great review of proton CSI for pts w LMD: CNS PFS prolonged by 5mo. @JYangMDPhD This becomes SO pertinent as @LevineCancer @AtriumHealth prepares to open the 1st proton center in NC! #brainmets #btsm #asco23 1/ Image
Original work by @JYangMDPhD Yang et al...… 2/
Challenges remain such as technique, planning, toxicity, & insurance coverage #asco23 #protons #lmd 3/ Image
Read 4 tweets
May 21st 2023
A lot of people are starting to notice IMHO. $NWBO #DCVaxL
Phase 3 results: $NWBO #DCvaxL

Autologous Tumor Lysate-Loaded Dendritic Cell Vaccination w/Extension of Survival Among Patients w/[BOTH] #NewlyDiagnosed & #Recurrent #Glioblastoma: A Phase 3 Prospective Externally Controlled Cohort Trial #CancerVaccine…
Mind blowing interim, unpublished data #DCVaxL data from UCLA #DrLindaLiau presentation for use with adjuvant #PolyICLC #TLR3Agonist #Hiltonol #glioblastoma #cancervaccine
Read 8 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
I wonder why it seldom occurs to the general public or the news media to ask themselves WHY previous guidelines involving pain medications which are most effective for saving lives and restoring #QOL contain no provision within them to ensure that pain patients
are neither forced into even deeper crippling chronic, severe pain, killed by complications of under treated severe pain, nor compelled to commit #SuicideDue2Pain?

Since all of those adverse effects have been suffered on a large scale since the #CDCGuidelinesOf2016 a reasonable
individual would expect that law makers and enforcers since they are also human beings at risk of suffering chronic, severe and who have a conscience would be scrambling to amend or abort those guidelines which have crippled and killed thousands since they were published.
Read 3 tweets
Jan 17th 2023
1a) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial, “MOA and Clinical Trial Data for Novel & Emerging Therapeutic Strategies for #HCM: Can We Target Our Therapy?"
1b) Our expert (and returning @cardiomet_ce) author is Giuseppe Galati MD, MMSc in Heart Failure, FHFA, @GiuseppeGalati_ , Consultant #Cardiologist #HeartFailure & #Cardiomyopathies
2) @GiuseppeGalati_ is in Milan 🇮🇹 This program is intended for #healthcare professionals & is accredited for 0.75h CE/#CME credit for #physicians #physicianassistants #nurses #nursepractitioners #pharmacists.
Read 46 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
We at HCC are so proud of our team and participating centers. 6 abstracts of our collective work have been accepted for #ASH22. If you wish to be a part of this movement either as an individual or as a participating institution, do visit us at
#2976 Prognostic Factors and Outcomes of Adolescent and Adult Burkitt Lymphoma and Leukemia from a Low-Middle Income Country: An Experience from Hematology Cancer Consortium…
Read 21 tweets
Sep 23rd 2022
Are we becoming robots? #AID systems for everyone with #T1D:

'#CGM is the Archimedean point of #diabetes technology. This is when the idea of closing the loop really emerged.'
-Moshe Phillip

#EASD2022 #dedoc°voices #nothingaboutuswithoutus @EASDnews @dedocORG 1/n
Are we becoming robots? #AID systems for everyone with #T1D:

'#CGM opened our eyes to the fact that the data we used to get was very different from the reality #PwD live.'
-Moshe Phillip

So true. Connecting the red dots' never been our reality.

#EASD2022 #dedoc° @dedocORG 2/n
Are we becoming robots? #AID systems for everyone with #T1D:

'I'd like to convince you they are efficient. Automated Insulin Delivery is safe and efficient.'
-Moshe Phillip

#EASD2022 #dedoc°voices #nothingaboutuswithoutus @EASDnews @dedocORG 2/n
Read 6 tweets
Jul 7th 2022
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial on optimizing the role of the pharmacist in managing cardiometabolic disease! Accredited for 0.50 hr for #physicians #nurses #pharmacists! Expert faculty is Snehal Bhatt PharmD @SnayCardsPharmD of @BIDMChealth. Image
2a) This educational activity is supported by grants from Bayer, Otsuka, & Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Eli Lilly Company. See archived programs, all by expert authors, still available for credit at
2b) Accreditation statement and faculty disclosures are at We are your ONLY source for accredited education in CKD and #cardiorenal disease delivered wholly on Twitter. FOLLOW US!
Read 24 tweets
May 17th 2022
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial, Prevention and Management of Heart Failure in T2 Diabetes: The Cardiologist’s Perspective! Our expert author is Giuseppe Galati MD, MMSc in Heart Failure, @GiuseppeGalati_ , Consultant #Cardiologist #HeartFailure & #Cardiomyopathies Image
2) @GiuseppeGalati_ is at San Raffaele Research Hospital, Milan 🇮🇹 @SanRaffaeleMI. This program is intended for #healthcare professionals & is accredited for 0.75h CE/#CME credit for #physicians #physicianassistants #nurses #nursepractitioners #pharmacists 🇺🇸🇨🇦🇬🇧🇪🇺.
3) @cardiomet_CE is supported by educational grants from AstraZeneca, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Eli Lilly Company, & Chiesi. Earn credit from archived programs at Disclosures at🙏 FOLLOW US !
Read 56 tweets
May 10th 2022
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial, Prevention and Management of Heart Failure in T2 Diabetes: The Diabetologist’s Perspective! Our expert author is Melanie J Davies CBE FMedSci @profmjdavies, Prof of Diabetes Medicine, U Leicester, Leicester Diabetes Unit @LDC_Tweets
2) This program is intended for #healthcare professionals and is accredited by @academiccme for 0.75h CE/#CME credit for #physicians #physicianassistants #nurses #nursepractitioners #pharmacists 🇺🇸🇨🇦🇬🇧🇪🇺. FOLLOW US for #cardiometabolic education from expert authors!
3) @cardiomet_CE is supported by educational grants from AstraZeneca, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Eli Lilly Company, and Chiesi. See archived programs still available for credit at Disclosures at
Read 43 tweets
Apr 2nd 2022
🎖 #ACC_AHA_HFSA #HF Guidelines are out
Short Tweetorial
🍀 Congrats to the authors for the huge effort : 108 pgs covering multiple aspects including #CardiacAmyloid
@ShelleyZieroth @hvanspall @carlosguizars @ValleAlfonso @JavedButler1 @gcfmd @JJheart_doc
1️⃣ #HFrEF tx
✅ Pros: Clear 4 pillar 1st line 1 day ( No wait)
❌ Cons: NYHA is not fixed very changeable : Better using Hypotension (SBP<100 mmHg) as choice criteria for ACE/ARB vs ARNI
❌ Cons: After 1 + 1/2 year from #GALACTIC_HF Omecamtiv Mecarbil still not in GD
2️⃣ #HFmrEF
✅ Pros: Concur with HFmrEF recom.
⭕️ Probably a 2a in this class for #ARNI is more EBM
@DrNasrien @dranulala @robmentz @MicheleSenni @DrDEliaEmilia @gbiondizoccai @torresviera @JavierdeJuan1 @global_meded @Filippatos @YuriLopatin1
Read 6 tweets
Feb 28th 2022
1/🧵 Are you happy?

My brother w #DownSyndrome is teaching me tons of life lessons.

In medicine & in life, I make big decisions based on guesstimates of other’s Quality of Life #QOL.

What do adults w #disability teach me about TRUTH?

Can I learn? Image
2/🎥 How do we “calculate” someone’s #QOL?
#Confession: I get it all wrong when I impose MY judgment onto THEIR life.
Greg, my 57 y/o brother-in-law with Down Syndrome, has a better QOL than I do.


Digest this…read on…
3/ My working definition of QOL is “the ability to give & receive love.”


Greg understands the Law of the Gift: Treasures GROW when we give them away.

It’s the opposite of hoarding.

Yet, giving ourselves to others can be SCARY. Greg ponders deeply these emotions. Image
Read 16 tweets
Feb 2nd 2022
@MondayNightIBD @southasianIBD @ibdesis @Empoweringpts9 @DCharabaty @ownyourcrohns @crohnsbabble @LivingWithUmeed @vkckiranpullela @TheMaveilousGut @dunung_ruchita 📣 #IBD patients & caregivers:

#IBDPoll 1️⃣

📊Thinking abt your IBD needs, what's been the biggest hurdle to your care?
📝 In the replies, elaborate. What’s helped your care?

Please share your #PatientExperience w #MondayNightIBD 👇🏽

@MondayNightIBD @southasianIBD @ibdesis @Empoweringpts9 @DCharabaty @ownyourcrohns @crohnsbabble @LivingWithUmeed @vkckiranpullela @TheMaveilousGut @dunung_ruchita #MondayNightIBD #PatientExperience
#IBDPoll 2️⃣

🧐Thinking about your culture’s expectations

📊 Have you tried Complementary and Alternative (CAM) Therapies (ex: ayurveda, homeopathy)?

What drove you to try these therapies? Please share your experience.

SE=side effects
@MondayNightIBD @southasianIBD @ibdesis @Empoweringpts9 @DCharabaty @ownyourcrohns @crohnsbabble @LivingWithUmeed @vkckiranpullela @TheMaveilousGut @dunung_ruchita Thank you @MondayNightIBD for shining a spotlight on 🌏 #SouthAsianIBD pt experience!

I'm Madhura from 🇮🇳, co-founder Team @ibdesis. We are proud to lead #PatientExperience on #MondayNightIBD!

We hope to improve care for our community around the 🌍 through @SouthAsianIBD.
Read 22 tweets
Aug 16th 2021
When you counsel ICU patients (>65yo)/their proxies before receiving a tracheostomy (‘trach’) and a gastrostomy (‘PEG’), what do you estimate to be the cohort’s 90-day mortality (day 0 = hospital admission)?
When you counsel ICU patients (>65yo)/their proxies before proxies before receiving a tracheostomy (‘trach’) and a gastrostomy (‘PEG’), what do you estimate to be the median number of hospital free days out of 90days in this cohort?
A🧵:When I was a fellow, we had to do rotations through a unit at MGH called the RACU - the Respiratory Acute Care Unit – basically a chronic vent unit after patients got trach/PEGs. @galbamd and @almoskow remember the heartbreak and drama in this unit all too well
Read 17 tweets
Jul 17th 2021
I am perplexed how #RogerChou can not only sit on the #CDCOWG but is a lead author. He recused himself at the #CDC meeting due to #COIs bc of his work as ‘expert witness’ in Purdue litigation but is lead author 🤷🏻‍♀️ @CDCDirector @CDCInjury could you explain how this is ethical? 1/
Listening to the #CDCOWG from perspective of #caregiver & advocate was disheartening. For me @CDCDirector assurances that #patients voices were heard was meaningless. She may say that we’ve been heard but then how are so many feeling as we haven’t been? Why are the #legislation 2
of these guidelines continuing? Why are those who have benefitted from #opioid #pain medications being removed, shamed & stigmatized? Why is care not individualized? It’s very clear our #voices have not been heard. There is nothing that was said that eased my concern for 3/
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Jul 13th 2021
Thread: Thoughts on #valuebased & #patientcenteredcare

Within #healthcare & #advocacy there seems to be a great deal of discussion on both #valuebased care & #PCC. #Healthcare costs have skyrocketed’ & thus a need to #reduce. I am not an #economist but as a #caregiver I 1/
definitely have seen ‘waste’. From my POV costs will continue to skyrocket even if #valuebased care is implemented. One reason (again not an economist) is the vulture ‘istic’ aspect of industries profiting from our system. The other reason is that our system is not centered 2/
around the #patient or patients needs. Thus, if the value based metric is reduced hospital admissions, this, on the face seems straight forth, however if the patients needs are not taken into account but only focused on established metric, costs could (& I will argue often r) 3/
Read 14 tweets
Feb 15th 2021
It's Monday AM post-@ASCO #GU21 & clinic starts in a couple of hours! Lots to process - I'll try to tackle optimal 1L tx for #kidneycancer. I'll make a case for cabo/nivo, leaning on the beautiful (& timely) tables below from @lalaniMD, @SoaresAndrey & @brian_rini (1/15)
What about IO/IO? We have long f/u w #CM214 data w nivo/ipi, no doubt (@AlbigesL et al in @myESMO Open). And treatment-free interval discussed by McDermott @BIDMChealth is no doubt impt. But we've known data not as impressive for favorable risk (2/15)
And furthermore, as @ERPlimackMD points out in another tweet, impt to look at primary PD rates (seen in @lalaniMD's table) - nivo/ipi at 19%!!! CR rate used to be something we highlighted w nivo/ipi, but now comparable across studies (3/15)
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Oct 20th 2020
There is a very simple way to prove that #CPP & #IPP are NOT addicted to our #OpioidRxs. All that needs to be done is to cure our pain. When our pain is cured no one will need to taper us. We would do our own record breaking taper because we are not addicted to our Rx’s.
When our pain is gone we much prefer a drug free life, and we are absolutely not addicted to our pain. Will you accept this challenge Dr Kolodny? Cure our pain if you are that skillful as a doctor then just watch us run from drugs. Try saving us instead of killing us. Until then
Until then, until you can cure our pain the humane and ethical way to treat pain patients is to restore as much of our #QOL as possible which will allow us to have a near normal life while we wait for doctors to find a cure for our pain. #IPP
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Sep 24th 2020
Dr Barrington draws attention to this well written open access commentary #MedTwitter #Neonatology #Disability #QoL A good life cannot be predicted from a brain scan!
Neonatologists often stare at seeming disasters early in the life of a newborn. Parents are distraught and ask how the road ahead would be? We are tempted to carry out tests and scans, lean on our personal experience and give our opinion: This itself has consequences 2/n
Research in keeping with the World Health Organization’s definition of QoL (a child or parent’s perception of their life) shows that disability severity has little relationship to life quality 3/n
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Sep 23rd 2020
#Diabetes should become a political priority. Every 8 second, a #PwD dies because of #DiabetesComplications. Are we doing the best we can to prevent this? - Dr Maurizio Guidi

#dedoc° #dedocvoices #EASD2020 #EASD @EASDnews #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs Image
We need to invest in #innovation to prevent #complications, and improve the quality of life of people #QOL with #T1D and #T2D - Dr Maurizio Guidi

#dedoc° #dedocvoices #EASD2020 #EASD @EASDnews #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs
The voice of those, the #PwD, living with this disease must be heard - Pr Chantal Mathieu

#dedoc° #dedocvoices #EASD2020 #EASD @EASDnews #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs
Read 4 tweets
Sep 19th 2020
@myESMO #ESMO20 as a #trainee can be #overwhelming! So many good studies, some more #practicechanging then others, if you missed some and want to understand (albeit at a simplistic #trainee level), sit back, relax and enjoy as we go through some great data #ESMO20 @OncoAlert
1. #NSCLC: 2 major studies #ADAURA #CROWN for adjuvant #EGFRmNSCLC, and advanced #ALK+ experts can provide better perspective @JackWestMD @n8pennell @StephenVLiu @AMansfieldMD @CharuAggarwalMD @NarjustDumaMD @GlopesMd @DevikaDasMD @OncoAlert
1. A) #ADAURA: Stage IB-IIIA #resected #NSCLC with #EGFRm treated with #Osimertinib vs #placebo [SOC prior to this was adjuvant chemotherapy [cisplatin-based doublet based on #LACE metanalysis-] showed improvement in #DFS @NEJM…
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Sep 12th 2020
Still struggling with the wording of this invitation. ‘#COVID-19 has exacerbated the raging #opioid crisis driven by the nation’s more than 50 million #pain suffers......’. I have contacted both @RepJudyChu & @RepWalorski office to express my concern & to 1/ Image
attempt to understand why the blame for the #opioidepidemic seemed to be placed at the feet of those that have #chronicpain. In the past years the # of #opioid pain medication prescriptions have plummeted yet rates of overdose climbed. Many individuals with #chronicpain 2/
who benefitted from treatment from #opioids have been pulled off & abandoned; their #QoL decreasing & suffering increasing. My kids & my husband were/are part of the 50 million that experience/experienced #chronic pain due to #hereditarypancreatitis & #pancreascancer 3/
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Sep 11th 2020
@DukePallCare SUCCESS! Journal Club Time Machine: Speed Dating with the Classics. Format - everyone in attendance (MS2-Attending) teaches a classic article for 4 minutes, it is put in context by someone old for 1-2 min, and we move on. Here's the list! A #HPC thread:
No 1 - SUPPORT Trial: 5 AMCs. Docs don't know pt's CPR preference, many DNRs within 2d of death, lots of ICU time and pain. RN led intervention gives docs data. Centers around communication. NO CHANGE IN KEY METRICS.
No 2 - Prognostication: Docs of pts referred to #hospice asked for assessment of prognosis. Only 20% accurate (+/- 33%) with most over-optimistic. Average miss factor of 5.3! Longer pt/doc relationship = worse prognostication accuracy (#LoveThemTooMuch)
Read 13 tweets
Jun 24th 2020
Talked with a lady this evening whose doctor had exposed her to such intense #PROPaganda that she had been conditioned to believe that taking #OpioidRxs automatically made her an addict. In order to please her Dr she took herself off of #OpioidRxs when she was in severe pain.
Since she stopped taking pain meds she is barely able to move. Her inability to tolerate the pain from exercise has made her very frail which resulted in many falls and injuries leading to more pain and less activity. I explained to her that taking pain meds does NOT make her an
I explained that taking pain meds does NOT make her an addict. In fact an addict keeps doing the drug which harms them, but a pain patient takes a pain med which returns their #QOL and strength, but I asked her to consider her situation in this way:
Read 6 tweets
Jun 7th 2020
Slowly digesting #ASCO20. Lots of fantastic patient-reported outcomes #PRO work incl in #phase1 #oncology.

5 presentations that caught my attention:
1/5 eRAPID (#7002) @DrKateAbsolom @UniversityLeeds.
💡RCT of weekly #PRO reporting and self-mx vs usual care for pts on chemo.
❗️ ⬆️early sx control, self-efficacy and #QOL w/o increasing clinical workload.
❓adapt for IO/ targeted therapy, monitoring during #COVID19
2/5 Creating composite PRO-CTCAE scores (#7018) @BiostatGirl @EthanBasch1
💡Developed algorithm for composite scores for PRO-CTCAE, combining frequency, severity and interference into a single metric like CTCAE.
❗️Will aid PRO-CTCAE uptake/ interpretation in trials/ routine care
Read 7 tweets

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