As someone with a degree in European History, let me explain my view on why this doesn't hold water.
A statue doesn't teach real history. Its only purpose is, and has always been, to send a message of glorification.
And they were built for specific reasons that said more about the present than the past.…
They were erected the fastest as a reaction to the civil rights movement.…
Their intention was to rehabilitate Leopold's image, after the Congo atrocities scandal caused him to die in infamy (Crowds booed at his funeral procession in 1909).
Many of the statues went up in the 1950s, when DR Congo was agitating for independence. The most recent was 1969.…
The removal of statues, and their accompanying message, is also history. Both say something about us as a society, about the kind of country we want to live in.
True history is found in memorials and museums.