Personally, must admit that it warms my heart to see my current PD and med school PD (@YaleMed, Dr Doolittle) chatting before this session starts!
Let's get started, #askMedPeds!
This'll be a great discussion & will keep everyone posted throughout it.
▶️ Doing our best to advise applicants
▶️ Represents personal opinion, so there may be some differences in advice
▶️ But we're all here to help YOU 🤜 🤛

It wouldn't be a #MedPeds talk w/o re-iterating that we continue to take care of small & tall patients! This is extremely helpful for programs w/o applicants since oftentimes there is the thought that "do you really end up doing both?" Yes, u do!

W/ 77 #MedPeds programs in the country, there are many more medical schools. You're in good company if you don't have a home program!
In addition, a word on "competitiveness," there is a higher fill rate for #MedPeds than IM or Peds.
We're going to get a bit into the weeds here since it's impt... But based on 2018 data, only 19 allopathic seniors did not match into MP.
of those 19, they only ranked ~4 programs & more likely dual applied.
@JBuchananWalsh's take: if you can interview at a few MP programs, you'll most likely be able to match at a program!!! Woo!

▶️ Submit as soon as able, even if all LoR not uploaded
▶️ CV - represent what your passions are!
▶️ PS - get your VOICE thru. We wanna know about you & how "you might be able to enrich their program"
▶️ Your clerkship directors can be helpful
▶️ Seek out #MedPeds trained faculty at your institution!
▶️ Look towards #MPPDA, @nmpra, & #MedPeds residents
▶️ #MedTwitter can be great!

Programs are keeping this in mind!

Dr. Toth (Milwaukee): Communication impt; be kind to program & coordinators!
Dr. Fine/Workman (UMass/Louisville): We want to see passion & leadership
Dr. Doolittle (@YaleMed): Always de-emphasizing STEP; passion!!
▶️ LoR from ppl who know u well!
▶️ No audition SubI needed; could be harmful since u don't know workflow
▶️ "Be selfish" & pick the rotations that will be beneficial for u
▶️ Fellow LoR? Try to have attg cosign!
▶️ Have diff people read it to ensure no errors
▶️ Don't need a patient experience
▶️ Speak to who u r & what u'll bring to program
▶️ Get someone to read it who doesn't know u well (this is more like a PD perspective)
@JBuchananWalsh elaborates that she always think about how an applicant will make the program better & what they will do to our program! Also, likes to see what their plans are to do in MP.
We are all still trying to figure this out!
Most impt for us is to carve out time for residents & applicants to be able to socialize & get a chance for us to meet. PDs looking into it, and opening the question to the group!
▶️ One-on-one time impt
▶️ Tour could be useful for personality!
▶️ See how residents interact together
▶️ Socialize/chat with residents
▶️ ?Break rooms - 1 rez for 3 students
▶️ Even smaller, w/ mini speed dating-esque
The overwhelming consensus is that the smaller the group the better w/ potential interests aligned. PDs are quite excited about this prospect, although we will all need to be Zoom experts!
▶️ Virtual GroupMe via @ObohMeansDoctor & @trilingual_med
▶️ #MedTwitter
▶️ @nmpra can help!
▶️ You'll continue to meet people and form new mini-communities