Assam appears to have dropped below 1.00, with daily new cases declining.

Bihar also seems to have its R(t) decline below 1.00

Chhattisgarh also sees R(t) decline to 1.00 ...

Delhi had declined to well below 1.00 once and brought it down to that level two other times. Currently, high above ...

Goa had a massive surge end-May/early-June, which has since declined to current level of around 1.00

Gujarat has the R(t) decline to close to 1.00 currently. There's little or no rise in the level of new cases daily, since the last 8-10 days.

Haryana is currently at 500 cases per day, albeit declining. R(t) is therefore above 1.00.

Himachal has been holding new case levels below 20/day. R(t) currently has declined to below 1.00

J&K had declined to well below 1.00, but has risen of late to the ref level. Cases/day have been held under 200 for the most part.

Karnataka is currently at around 1.00

Kerala is also at around 1.00 presently with 80-90 new cases/day.

MP has had a consistent new cases/day decline from a high of around 250/day in mid-May to around 150/day currently. Hence, R(t) is below 1.00

MH is close to 1.00 now, with daily cases holding between 3-3.5K/day for the last week.

Orissa is holding above 1.00, with daily new cases > 150

Punjab has been successful in driving down the R(t) to ZERO by mid-May, after the spike, is now well above 1.00 with the persistently rising trend of daily new cases.

RJ had plateaued at ~ 250 new cases/day in the latter half of May and is now plateaued at ~ 300/day in June. R(t) is, therefore, holding around 1.00 with rises/dips above/below.

TN held at a plateau of 600-700 new cases/day for most of May, with a strong uptrend thereafter to the current level off at ~ 2K/day. Hence the R(t) has declined to slightly above 1.00

Telangana is signalling a particularly worrisome aka strong uptrend in the growth of new cases/day. R(t) is, likewise, indicating a rise in contagion in the region

Tripura had a surge of new cases early June which appears to have been beaten down. R(t) has declined to and is holding well below 1.00 at the moment.

UP has had a persistent rise in new cases since mid-May. R(t) is, accordingly, holding stably above 1.00

Uttarakand had managed to decrease the # of daily cases which had peaked early June. However, the rise in new cases of late has pushed the R(t) right back up above 1.00

West Bengal appears to have levelled off in June at ~ 400-450 new cases/day. R(t) has accordingly declined to close to 1.00

That said, I suppose this is indicative enough to be read alongside #TestTraceIsolate effectiveness.