I’m quite frankly rather depressed by what has happened.
➡️➡️Can I get a fact check?
They’re particularly not very favourable towards fathers and they look towards the family as something that should be attacked.
"And the second one (in BLM 'About Us') is they say clearly they 'foster a queer-affirming network, we seek to free oursleves from the grip of heteronormative thinking’.
"I fail to see how these really help black people at all."
'We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).'
'I feel and to think that children should be brought up in some kind of village setup, some kind of community type relationship, would be a very poor way to bring up a family.'
Givan: I personally am totally opposed to racism. I believe in one human family, and that is the reality of mankind, that is how our history commenced.
We are all really one family and that would be my real position on it, that we should treat ourselves as one and we should work with all people.