
Nichts Neues. Altmaier lobt sich selbst. Nur 4 Fragen zugelassen.
Winding down power generation from lignite, or brown coal, is expected to cost many more billions of euros, including 40 billion euros in investments in mining regions.…
The coalition partners still need to agree on the final details of a separate compensation package for utilities with plants powered by imported hard coal.…
The coalition partners still need to agree on the final details of a separate compensation package for utilities with plants powered by imported hard coal.…
#Deutschland verabschiedet sich implizit aber in aller Deutlichkeit von den in der Pariser Klimaübereinkunft vereinbarten Zielen.
@peteraltmaier @RegSprecher @SvenjaSchulze68
#Kohleausstiegsgesetz #Kohlegesetz #Kohlekommission…