Reduce process down to tick-box form, you lose complexity of fire safety in modern buildings.
EWS1 completely ignors the premise a building only has to adequately resist fire for a period of time.
Sizeable development within @justinmadders constituency who kindly reached out to help the seller.
Building under 18m & outwith EWS1 criteria
@AskNationwide insisting on EWS1 when valuers report (+ FRA) should suffice.
FRA defers housing provider to assess cladding
@AskNationwide is insisting on EWS1, building is complaint at time of construction despite #barking type cladding +misleading letter

Hence this building clearly complies with App Doc B 2006 Ed Dig 40
If @mhclg & others argues it’s complaint fire hazard then FRA or no further action?
If non-complaint but followed guidance @mhclg should foot costs + direct housing providers fix now & claim latter

The housing provider is refusing the look at this building as they deem it complaint & it’s low priority.
However there is a #barkingfire type fire risk + given vehicles can park hard against.
Simple solution to remove decorative timbers & make good render.

Resident locked-in by @HalifaxBank demands for EWS1 frustrating lending approval
This one is particularly important given @kentfirerescue response
excellent work by the resident in sourcing cladding details via developer
Lender insisting on EWS1 but again below 18m & complaint with App Doc B dig 40
Home owner is at a loss as to how to progress & had one sale fall through.
Lenders appear clueless over deemed to satisfy standards at time of construction
Knee jerk reaction to #barkingbalconiesfire
Simply does not warrant an EWS1 as blow 18m, complaint or should I say deemed to satisfy ADB Dig 40 at time of construction!
Considering windows are unprotected to fire
If home buyers or sellers are having lending problems in this building - then the property sector is doomed.
If successive @mhclg ministers can’t resolve perhaps the PM @BorisJohnson can sort this constitutents case so they can move.
Compliant #firehazard & because of Ltd balcony timber decking EWS1 req
Will occupants be able to stay put or evacuate + will construction restrict fire spread + fire service gain access = yes on all counts
Perhaps we need #firesafe valuers @RICSnews