Quick #firesafety response & then detail
A) Reject the letter: waking watch (+fire & security) personal are designated safety critical key worker status under @mhclg guidance
Waking watch is specifically designated as safety critical -
“providing a vital public safety function to keep homes safe ..... during #covid19

As such they are responsible for assessing (all) risks & making buildings safe - not residents

Which is crystal clear on RPs duty to continue waking watch (or any other fire safety provision) even during #covid19

Recommending RP consider alternatives & specifically installing a fire alarm system (which will also face procurement & installation challenges during #covid19)

Hence waking watch is a contingency post #grenfell
1) combustible cladding remains on buildings & will take time to replace & should have been completed by now
2 @NFCC_FireChiefs states waking watch is a temporary measure
3 fire alarms provide one part of the solution but needs to be coupled with (1)
I) problem part 2 if through self-isolation or shielding waking watch resource isn’t available the post #grenfell fall back collapses!
K) Ultimately @mhclg + @ukhomeoffice + @NFCC_FireChiefs will need to put civil contingency in place - potentially LA or armed forces cover to make-up any waking watch short falls to ensure residents are safe
1) notify RP residents reject the waking watch proposal as it’s the RPs responsibility
2) send copy of the letter to fire authority enforcement team + @mhclg @NFCC_FireChiefs & your MP
3) take legal advice + issue a letter before action to RP as they are in breach of RRFSO statutory duties + #covid19 @mhclg @NFCC_FireChiefs guidance which clarifies waking watch is safety critical & RP responsibility to ensure continuity or mitigation
However @CentrickBrum might consider withdrawing the letter, taking your own independent legal advice, observe RP or nominated competent statutory duty + @GOVUK & @NFCC_FireChiefs guidance + discussing options with #FRS & residents
Not insurmountable with training when you consider @BritishRedCross @GoodSamApp + others volunteer groups
Clear need for collaboration & cooperation between all parties during #covid19 + practical solutions