Chris: For some of us we will be doing what we've always done - albeit through a different medium eg online.
Going online means we can do more events in one day - travel is not an issue. Costs are less.
With practice, video becomes more effective.
Arnoud: Naturally we focus on the here and now. The natural reaction is to protect and secure. With that, a feeling of uncertainty arises. It's important to pause and ask: How can we think about this differently? #QuirkWebinar
A failure to anticipate, adapt and learn from the past #QuirkWebinar
Arnoud: working online and getting used to that - there will be a general shift to using these technologies throughout our lives.
A shift in education and opportunities. Do you have the skills to make this shift? #QuirkWebinar
There will be a spark in creativity.
How might this drive societal change?
More people will be able to contribute.
A positive aspect for freelancers and those on short-term contracts. Before you had to wait for the right people to be available. A virtual delivery means that delivery is more timely.
Q How will leadership be affected in the future?
Cohesion comes from genuine, empathetic language.
Vulnerable leadership - open to sharing and talking openly - builds trust. #QuirkWebinar
When we look to the future, your customers will want different things.
Leaders will have to admit 'I don't know' - to themselves and their colleagues. What are you fighting for? What is your north star? How will we get there? #QuirkWebinar
We help organisations empower the middle layers, middle management. Leaders can lift there heads now and build that trust within their organisations - become higher tempo. #QuirkWebinar
Chris referenced Viktor Frankl's 'Man Search for Meaning.'
Ask: What is the story you are telling yourself?
Move out of your comfort zone. A lot of this is driven by ego. We all have confidence at different levels.
Developing leaders at mid-tier can help you. #QuirkWebinar
Arnoud: A simulation is a safe environment. It is liberating to take someone out of their normal roles. Exploring with unfamiliar experiences. #QuirkWebinar
Get people comfortable with the technique. Encourage leaders to see what can be achieved in a simulation. It helps leaders to take more risks. #QuirkWebinar
Innovation happens with transferable skills. Apple famously went to the Four Seasons Hotel and took inspiration from there. #QuirkWebinar
First, look at unmet needs of your customers. Throught their lens, ask:
Do you see me?
Do you understand me?
Can you help me?
Are you competent in how you deliver that? #QuirkWebinar
Military and emergency personnel often say: 'The training kicked in.'
Having a diversity of thought within your organisation enables you to think differently.
Empowerment: 'Turn The Ship Around' by David Marquet #QuirkWebinar
62% said they would
Make a bold and courageous move away from what we have always done and focus on what we need to do.