Sects like dwaita, Kashmiri saviaim says one suprem god and he or she created other gods with his amsha.

#Bhagavatam in complete can only be understood by paramahamsa.

People say #krishna is at bath of naked girls etc.
He is at very young age at that time. And the story has clear explanation for this
If he really wanted to.see he can see. For god With cloths or without cloths doesn't matter.
It depicts jeevatma and Parmatma. In each jeeva the parmatma resides. Each gopi has one krishna as paramatma and a divine dance. #krishna_international_school

Krishna is the husband of all jeevas in spiritual sense. He is the father, guru everything
Bhagavatam also has different type of bhaktha or devotees like gyana

The astha lakshmis are his 8 wives. Satyabhama is bhudevi also
He knows people will criticise him. He is a real feminist and not like modern pseudo feminist.
He respected elder women like Gandhari, Kunti eventhough he is god in human form.
Most yadavas kings wanted to be king of Kashmir and stared preparation for war.