#sundayvibes #ItsOkayToNotBeOkay
I remember it like it was yesterday.
I sat sandwhiched between entitlement and poverty on an international flight.
Only I didn’t know it yet.
A white blond woman was seated next a Pakistani man.

I offered my window seat to the gentleman so that I would sit between them before a flight attendant was bothered.
She grunted.
The man, I soon noticed, was awkwardly pouring his jam onto some cheese and would nervously look at me and then back.
I realized he had no idea how to eat what was in front of him.
The Prophet Muhammad once said, “When God intends good for His servant, He grants him a daughter.”
He became emotional. “No doubt!”
I could see the fire of pride raging in this fathers chest - the flickers danced in his eyes.
This man was my age.
The realization fell like explosive thunder on my heart. It was only God’s Grace that I grew up in a paradise called #Canada.
I realized then and there that the 200.00 in my pocket never belonged to me. I would not keep it a second more.

“Of course!” He sat up immediately.
“I need you to promise me you will take this as a trust. There is someone in your village I must send an important thing to. Promise me you’ll deliver it to their hands,” I tried to say it with urgency.
He opened the envelope, and he looked back at me with horror. It was 6 month’s salary for him in Pakistani rupees.
He pushed it back unceremoniously into my hands. “HOW are you carrying all this? I cannot take it!”
He looked both offended and scared.
You are my brother in humanity. And then in Islam. I want to send to my nieces this envelope. I am not giving it to you. You are doing me a favor. A huge favor. Please. Tell them an Ahmadi Muslim uncle sent it.”
He very reluctantly took it.
“You know I work six months for this amount,” he said, his voice cracking from trying to contain his emotions to his trembling throat.
I looked at him. I was so ashamed. We spend $200 on a few groceries or a couple of meals at Moxies with friends.
We may never see each other again, but there’s this connection on the most human level imaginable between two people connected by an act of simple kindness.