Simon Tisdall has an article pushing #Iran’s narratives & trying to score cheap political points against U.S. President Donald Trump.
Trump shouldn’t have nixed the 2015 nuclear deal
-shouldn’t have killed Qasim Soleimani
-and his maximum pressure will backfire

Tisdall’s argument relies on the claim of Iran abiding by the 2015 nuclear deal & Trump nixing a perfectly good agreement that was working (!)
Let’s listen to a senior Iranian official explain how they have been cheating on the deal all along.
This video is a compilation of the ridiculous remarks & lies aired by certain DC politicians & MSM about Iran & the killing of Qassem Soleimani.
Please watch to the end of this 1:51 video & you’ll realize that #IraniansDetestSoleimani.
Tisdall claims Iranians will back the regime if attacked.
1st—I don’t want war for my country.
2nd—Iranians will “put their country first,” but we won’t defend the regime.
Watch people pull down a regime banner & chant “Death to Khamenei!” the dictator.