Iranian opposition NCRI is holding a live stream internet conference today focusing on #Iran's support for terrorism.
In this thread we'll take a brief look back at why this regime is described as the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism.
For over four decades the regime ruling #Iran has focused on supporting a conglomerate of terrorist groups, including Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis in Yemen & Iraqi militias.
More recently, they have been providing billions of dollars to the Assad regime ruling Syria.

May 27, 2015—(Obama years)
“The Iranian leadership earlier this month ordered militants from the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps’ (IRGC) Quds Force, along with Lebanese Hezbollah fighters, to Yemen…”
Dec 14, 2014—(Obama years)
“…Reuters has details — from Yemeni, Western and Iranian sources — of Iranian military and financial support to the Houthis before and after their takeover of Sanaa on Sept. 21.”
2015 Iran nuclear deal
Obama provided $1.7 billion in cash to Iran that "has been traced to Iran’s backing of Houthi rebels seeking to take power in Yemen."
Now, regarding #Iran’s ties with al-Qaeda.
“U.S. intelligence officials and prosecutors have long said Iran formed loose ties to the terror organization starting in 1991, something noted in a 19-page al-Qaida report in Arabic...”
“Iran provided logistical assistance to al-Qaeda, facilitating travel for some operatives and providing safe houses for others.”
“Anyone who wants to strike America, Iran is ready to support him and help him with their frank and clear rhetoric,” AP quotes an Arabic al-Qaeda report as saying.
“Iran has collaborated with Al Qaeda covertly and often by proxy due to the latter's notorious reputation. This covert cooperation began in the early 1990's in Sudan, continued after Al Qaeda relocated to Afghanistan...”
Now let's take a look at #Iran's ties to the Taliban.
"Hundreds of Taliban fighters are receiving advanced training from special forces at military academies in Iran as part of a significant escalation of support for the insurgents..."
Iran's New Quds Force Leader Has A Long, Shadowy History With Afghanistan
"Qaani's recent trips to Afghanistan are just the latest examples of his activities in the war-torn country."
Afghan government and police officials have accused Iran of providing financial aid and advice to Taliban militants as part of its opposition to the US military presence in Afghanistan.
Farah Provincial Council Chair Jamile Amini has accused Iran of sending IRGC members to join the Taliban ranks and files, adding that 25 Taliban members recently killed in this province were IRGC members.
"The killing of the Taliban chief on the main highway leading from the Iranian border shines new light on the movement’s complicated relationship with Tehran."
"Indeed, Tehran and the Taliban have a more symbiotic relationship than meets the eye."