I am brown, and Muslim, and Elizabeth Warren is one of the only senators I trust to fight for my rights and the rights of every community.
Here is why:
20% of Americans don't even think Muslims should have the right to vote.
In Donald Trump's America, we worry about our kids, nephews, nieces, etc, being bullied.
Not just by the kids of Trumpers, but of those that are supposed to know better.
We worry about kids getting called terrorists, and not having friends in school to lean on.
Even ostensibly liberal shows like Bill Maher promote Muslimphobic stereotypes.
Implored politicians unwilling to help to do something to help.
She spoke about little girls sent away by parents, because the journey to safety alone was safer than Syria.

And she spoke powerfully on their behalf on the Senate floor.

Promote community and understanding in the face of Trump's bigotry.
To pressure the admin to release detained Muslim-Americans, and greencard and visa holders.
He supported the LGBTQ community when it was unpopular to do so.
And Muslims when it's unpopular.
He was our champion.
Rest in power.
A proposal to accept 20,000 Jewish children was also rejected.
Americans were against Jewish refugees by 2 to 1 margin.
Who only look out for those than can vote for them.
He said his conversation with her was, “absolutely most insulting conversation I have ever had with anyone"
Warren harassed Kelly's office to change their position.
When she finally got a hold of him on the phone, she gave him a verbal thrashing to remember.
So Warren responded.
Here is her thread on what happened:
Elizabeth Warren spoke up and pushed her colleagues to do the same.
When Elizabeth Warren talks of faith, she includes all, in the most heartfelt way.
This would make a future contiguous Palestinian state impossible.
These 12 Senators are pushing back.

Annexation would mean endless conflict.
All Dems oppose annexation in terms of stated policy.
So where are the others besides these 12?
But what good does it do mean to have someone in office who looks like me but doesn't fight for me?
I can't live vicariously through someone's successful, high-flying political career.
Something many politicians on the Left engage in.
Economic justice is not sufficient to racial justice.
Opal Tometi didn't endorse anyone in the primary.
Netroots 2017.
They wrote an op-ed about it.
Written to address mandatory minimums, and give judges leeway in imposing lesser sentences.
To deal with the militarization of local police forces, and resulting use of excessive force.
To address the use of solitary confinement and improve conditions for inmates separated from the general population.
It wasn't possible they said.
How Elizabeth Warren succeeded in getting the student debt forgiven is documented well in this article.
Because the Warren-Gardner & Warren-Booker amendments were added to Every Child Achieves Act 2015, there is some accountability for states & local authorities, so minority public education isn't destroyed.
She had spoken about it many times before, but because it was a few months before her Senate reelection, Republicans seized on it.
And people came around to her view.
Find yourself a political leader who says and does the right thing when it's not politically expedient.
She bashes the Supreme Court for watering down the civil rights laws on fair housing for all.
Taking away homes, instead of working with homeowners to come up mutually beneficial terms that the owners could meet.
CFPB has an office of fair lending, to tackle discrimination by financial institutions.


"The Economics of Race: When Making It to the Middle Is Not Enough"
Elizabeth Warren is the only politician alive to come up with an idea for a whole new gov agency, and get to set it up.
She wanted to address the lingering effects of redlining in this country, and address modern day redlining.
Read this to learn more:
She ascribed some of the problem to a worsening climate of economic opportunity for African-Americans than existed even a decade ago, according to attendees."
And she is still working on the issues facing Black and Brown families.
Cooper thought Warren was wrong to call Bannon a white supremacist and that there was no evidence for that claim.
To try help save the disappearing middle class, and make it easier for those in poverty to enter the middle class.
Elizabeth Warren has fought harder for Puerto Rico than any other politician who is not a Boricua.
Elizabeth Warren takes on her own party over and over again, if it means helping people.
But because Puerto Rico isn't a state, it doesn't have representation in Congress.
Elizabeth Warren tries her best to make sure P.R. is represented
Elizabeth Warren and Rep Velazquez having been fighting together, for years, to help P.R.
Interviewer clipped asks her why she supports in-state tuition for Dreamers when the Democrats in the legislature in MA and voters don't.
She replies, "because it's right".
She unequivocally says no.
This was in 2012, many years before Trump, when many Dems supported a wall.
A position where MA voters were with Brown.
And beat an incumbent with the highest polled popularity that had ever been beaten.
Dreamers are our friends, families, and our future.
Reina fled sexual harassment and exploitation in El Salvador when she was 11.
Elias was 6 when his mother escaped violence in Venezuela, and brought him legally to the U.S.
At the age of 11, his mother died of cancer, and he lost his legal status without even knowing it.
While Dems wants Latinx votes, Dems don't make much of an effort listening to their concerns.

"We will not build a stupid wall."
And because it was months before her Senate reelection, Republicans seized on that.

They feared Elizabeth Warren challenging Donald Trump.

It's why she gives me so much hope.
In 2013, spoke to the ACS about the need for a diverse judiciary.
Asking the next administration to address these problems.
The bill focuses on the wealth gap.

She forced it to becomes more substantive.
Spoke about redlining, student debt, wealth gap, put race at the center of every policy.
I will have a section later on in this thread dedicated to her years prior to becoming a politician.
He tried to use the power of his office to scare Black citizens from registering to vote and casting ballots.
In charge of law enforcement in the country, Elizabeth Warren gave a speech on the Senate floor to try sink his nomination, she read Coretta Scott King's letter.
And he recently lost his primary election when he wanted to become a senator again. Karma.
Check out the ratio on this tweet.
I particularly enjoyed this tweet storm:
Apparently Warren calling out Trump's racism was newsworthy enough to generate CNN articles.
When Trump called African countries shithole countries, Warren called out his racism, and told the story of Joe Freddy Francois.
They prayed together before every debate in the primary.
They also prayed together before every debate in 2012, Warren's first political campaign.
