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Nov 8th 2020
This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020.This part is called: CREATING A 21ST CENTURY IMMIGRATION SYSTEM
Only one party understands that Immigrants make America stronger. Not only do immigrants support us-immigrants are us. The other party leaves a legacy of cruelty to immigrants.
Out of many, we are one. That bedrock American idea has animated our country from its earliest days, inspiring people from every corner of the earth to participate in our great democratic experiment. 2/17
#DemPartyPlatform #Immigration
The Trump Administration has repudiated that idea and abandoned our values as a diverse, compassionate, and welcoming country. 3/17
#DemPartyPlatform #immigrationreform
Read 17 tweets
Jul 21st 2020

I am brown, and Muslim, and Elizabeth Warren is one of the only senators I trust to fight for my rights and the rights of every community.

Here is why:
To explain, Muslims are the most disliked group in America among the "minority faith and racial groups".…

20% of Americans don't even think Muslims should have the right to vote.…
Read 843 tweets
Nov 12th 2019
I just got out of the Supreme Court after listening to #DACA arguments.

I've said this many times: the only thing illegal about DACA is the way it was revoked.

But I'm not sure this Supreme Court will see it that way.
At argument, the justices were harped up on the issue of reviewability: does a court have the power to second guess an agency when it says it *doesn't* have the power to defer deportation for a large class of noncitizens? If so, what's the minimum rationale an agency has to give?
The Court was struggling to find a line to draw. So were counsel arguing the case. It's dicey: everyone agreed an agency like DHS has the authority to revoke DACA, but the question is how to do it legally.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 4th 2019
Last Friday I spoke a GOTV rally in Stafford, Virginia hosted by @QasimRashid, @jessfosterva and Joshua Cole for Delegate. Hearing Sen @timkaine, Gold Star father Khizr Khan, former MI gubernatorial candidate Dr. @AbdulElSayed, and many others speak, a common theme emerged:
Democrats lead with compassion. That’s where our policies start. That is our compass. In my remarks to the crowd, I told a story I had never publicly told before.

Last October, I was sitting in court with my client, a large, burly man from El Salvador.
He had a bright, cheery-eyed daughter, no more than 7. We'd just finished our asylum trial. I looked over to him, and saw him tear up. He turned to me quizzically.

I figured he would ask about his appeal rights, or some procedural question. But I’ll never forget what he said.
Read 8 tweets
Mar 3rd 2019
Trump: Day 771
-Ranted for Over 2 Hours at #CPAC
-Calls Mueller Russia Probe "Bullshit"
-Mocks Sessions' Southern Accent
-Relitigates Inauguration Crowd Size
-Accuses Dems of Hating America
-Ends Military Exercises in So Korea
-Illegally Touts Scottish Golf Course
Day 876 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
14 Democratic lawmakers have asked A.G. Barr to reopen the criminal investigation into Jeffrey Epstein. The request comes as pressure mounts for Trump Labor Secretary Alex Acosta to resign for his role in securing the plea deal for Epstein.…
Read 81 tweets
Jan 27th 2019
Lots of thoughts running through my head today, the 2nd anniversary of the #MuslimBan .

My daughter who asked me "Why does he hate Muslims?" on seeing the future President call to shut down Muslim immigration. She dismissed him: 'He doesn't need to be part of the conversation.'
I remember the heroes that showed up at Dulles and beyond. The ones who didn't have relatives or clients who'd be impacted by banishment from our country, but showed up anyway. The man who yelled "Welcome to America!" to everyone who walked through the int'l arrival doors.
The chants welcoming refugees. The multilingual signs, the law firm that grew organically out of the arrivals hall. And my colleagues who dropped everything to rush to Dulles. We did better than "access to counsel:" we brought counsel to those who needed it, when they needed it.
Read 12 tweets
Jan 9th 2019
President Trump spoke tonight about "illegal aliens," but no human is illegal. #NoBanNoWall…
It’s a myth that immigrants commit crimes at higher rates than native born Americans. It’s a myth that they hurt the economy. For the president to spread these fears tonight is not only inaccurate, but immoral.…
There is a humanitarian crisis at the border — one that this president’s relentless war on asylum seekers and his refusal to comply with the law have manufactured. #PresidentialAddress…
Read 3 tweets
Oct 8th 2018
✅ American democracy is on the ballot
✅ Basic human decency is on the ballot
✅ The health of our planet is on the ballot
✅ Equality & justice are on the ballot
HERE ARE 10 MORE REASONS TO #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica:
1) Donald Trump thinks there are "very fine people" who march with neo-Nazis and the KKK.
2) Donald Trump & the Republicans instituted a Muslim ban in a country whose founding is defined by freedom of religion. #VoteBlue2018 #NoBanNoWall
Read 12 tweets
Jul 3rd 2018
This evening's realization: Sometimes, it's easier to fight when you're the ally. 1/?
I recently had to take a step back from thinking about Justice Kennedy's resignation and its implications. One reason is that I feel powerless to actually do anything about it. But another reason is that it will affect me directly. 2/
I am Queer, and a Trump appointee is likely to be anti-LGBTQ. I am a woman who believes in bodily autonomy, and this appointee is likely to be anti-choice. I am a member of a union, and I have medical needs, and I want Democrats to win elections - which means access to polls. 3/
Read 12 tweets
Jul 2nd 2018
29% of immigrants have a college degree, similar to American-born counterparts at 30%.
48% of #immigrants who have entered the U.S. after 2010 have a degree.
#DACA #ImmigrantHeritageMonth
#Resist @GOP @POTUS @realDonaldTrump
#Immigrants make up 5% of the U.S. prison population while representing only 7% of the total U.S. population.
Contrary to @FoxNews @WhiteHouse #AlternativeFacts & #FakeNews, immigrants are NOT more likely to commit a crime than the native-born population.
#Resist @Trump
#Immigrants participate in the U.S. labor force at a higher (slightly) rate than native-born Americans & earn consistently less than native-born workers. 25M+ immigrants are workforce members.
#Resist @GOP @POTUS @realDonaldTrump
Read 19 tweets

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