Round 1 starts now!
MOON: Apollo 11 landed on the Moon 51 years and a day ago. They landed in a lunar mare, or “sea”, called so because early astronomers mistook the dark basaltic plains as large water bodies. Which sea did they land in?
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MOON: One name for the Moon is the Roman name for the goddess who was the divine embodiment of the Moon. What is her name?
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You probably know the names of the first two humans on the Moon, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. What is the name of the astronaut who flew the command module, waiting for the lunar module to return?
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FARMING: Picking crops is a day-in, day-out activity. Before electricity, farmers would use the light of the full moon to continue picking crops after the sun had set. What name did farmers have for this Moon?
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SPACE: Comet C/2020 F3, popularly known as the “NEOWISE comet”, takes its name after NASA’s NEOWISE mission, which first sighted the object. What do NEOWISE's first three letters "N-E-O" stand for?
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SPORTS: Major League Baseball begins play this Thursday, July 23. Which famous physician and medical scientist has been invited to throw the ceremonial first pitch for the Washington Nationals?
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SOCIAL MEDIA: The hashtag LCW2020 is being promoted this week to highlight conservation education and environmental justice awareness within this ethnic community in the US. Name this community (in other words, what does the “L” stand for?)
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50/50: We want to ask you about two spices: Five Spice and Allspice. Which one of these two spices is NOT a mix. That is, which one is actually harvested from a single species of plant?
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R1 Q1 Answer
The Apollo 11 astronauts landed in the Sea of TRANQUILITY, or MARE TRANQUILLITATIS. This was not the first time we landed in that mare: Ranger 8 crashed into it in 1965 and Surveyor 5 landed on it in 1967.
R1 Q2 Answer
LUNA is the Roman divine embodiment of the Moon. The Greek equivalent of Luna is Selene. The Moon’s official designation, like every moon, is the name of the planet it orbits around and a Roman Numeral: “Earth I.”
R1 Q3 Answer
Command Module Pilot MICHAEL COLLINS made 30 orbits waiting for the Eagle to return. He also found the image of the Eagle used in the Apollo 11 patch, taken from a book called “Water, Prey, and Game Birds of the United States.”
R1 Q4 Answer
The HARVEST MOON is the first full, bright moon that occurs closest to the start of autumn. Autumn harvest is typically the largest harvest of the year.
R1 Q5 Answer
NEAR-EARTH OBJECTS. The mission uses the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), a NASA infrared-wavelength astronomical space telescope launched from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in 2009.
R1 Q6 Answer
That would be diehard Nats fan and @NIAIDnews Director Dr. ANTHONY FAUCI. Play ball!
R1 Q7 Answer
#LCW2020 stands for LATINO Conservation Week, which was launched in 2014 to support the Latino community getting into the outdoors and participating in natural resources stewardship.
R1 Q8 Answer
ALLSPICE is the dried unripe berries of Pimenta dioica, a tree from Caribbean/Central America. Whereas Five Spice is a traditional Chinese seasoning made of five types of plants, most commonly star anise, cinnamon, Sichuan pepper.
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GEOPOLITICS: After China imposed a new security law in Hong Kong, two countries have offered “safe haven” visas to Hong Kong residents who fear persecution. Name one of these two countries.
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BOOKS: U.S. author Joanna Cole passed away July 12. What is the name of her famous book series, which debuted in 1985 and whisked children away on fantastic adventures exploring science and health?
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HIGHER EDUCATION: Michael V. Drake MD, the new President of the University of California System, graduated high school in which Northern California city?
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MILITARY: The name “Red Tails” has emerged as a favorite replacement for the Washington DC NFL team’s name. The nickname is borrowed from a famous group of Black military aviators. Name this group.
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MAGIC: There is a rumor on TikTok that a coven of baby witches, in their exuberant inexperience, have done something to the Moon and to the fae, or “fair folk”. What did they do?
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TIDES: The tidal range varies in a two-week cycle, based on the new and full moon. When the Moon, Earth and Sun are in a line, the tidal range is at its maximum and is called a Spring Tide. What is the minimum tidal range called?
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LUCKIEST MAN: On July 4th, 1936, Lou Gehrig retired from baseball, giving a speech to a sold-out Yankee Stadium. What is the name of the disease he suffered from that necessitated his retirement? (Abbreviation OK)
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THE SKY: The Moon is the brightest object in our night sky. What is the second brightest object (at its brightest)?
A. Mercury
B. Venus
C. Mars
D. Jupiter
E. Sirius
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R2 Q1 Answer
The UNITED KINGDOM and AUSTRALIA have recently suspended extradition agreements and extended new visa policies to Hong Kong residents.
R2 Q2 Answer
Joanna Cole was the creator of THE MAGIC SCHOOLBUS, illustrated by Bruce Degen and published by @Scholastic.
R2 Q3 Answer
Incoming @UofCalifornia President Michael V. Drake spent the early part of his life in NY/NJ area, but his later childhood was spent in SACRAMENTO, graduating from McClatchy High.
R2 Q4 Answer
They were the TUSKEGEE AIRMEN, a group of African-American and Caribbean-born WWII pilots—the first-ever Black U.S. military pilots. The tails of their P-47 and P-51 aircraft were painted red, and the name stuck.
R2 Q5 Answer
These young witches apparently put a HEX on the Moon and on the fae. A hex is intended to have negative effects and cause harm. The Moon is a powerful object and the fae are a power people; hexxing them is not a thing one should do.
R2 Q6 Answer
When the Moon, Earth and Sun form a right angle, the tidal range is at a minimum and is called a NEAP tide. “Neap” is an Anglo-Saxon word meaning “without power.”
R2 Q7 Answer
AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS (ALS), also known as motor neuron disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig's disease, is a disease that causes the death of neurons controlling voluntary muscles. Lou Gehrig died two year after his retirement.
R2 Q8 Answer
These are second through sixth brightest objects in the sky; of these, B) VENUS is the brightest, followed by Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Sirius.
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FLAGS: The lunar US flags are made out of nylon. NASA paid $5.50 a piece for them. By now, the flags are likely bleached, or have even disintegrated. What type of radiation is responsible for fabric color bleaching and disintegration?
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NAMES: Back when Pluto was called a “planet,” Charon was called a “moon.” In 2006, Pluto was reclassified as a “dwarf planet.” With respect to Pluto, what is Charon now classified as?
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MOON: 51 years and a day ago, Apollo 11 landed on the Moon. The last mission that landed on the moon was Apollo 17, on 1972-12-11. How many people have walked on the Moon?
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SCANDALS: The Biogenesis scandal broke in 2013 when several MLB players were accused of obtaining performance-enhancing drugs from the now-defunct rejuvenation clinic Biogenesis of America. What PED in particular was abused?
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TECHNOLOGY: Many TV channels across the U.S. have had to change antenna frequencies because the FCC auctioned off a spectrum of airwaves for a new standard of high-speed telecommunications. What is the name for this new digital standard?
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TELEVISION: In the original Star Trek, Captain Kirk called his ship’s physician Dr. McCoy by a particular nickname. He shortened it from a slang term for doctors that’s been in use since 1837. What was this term? We want the complete word.
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SPORTS: John Urschel is currently a fourth-year PhD student in Mathematics at MIT. But from 2014 to 2016, Urschel played Guard on the offensive line of this NFL team in the AFC. Name the team.
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GEOGRAPHY: The Arecibo Radio Telescope is an iconic, 1,000 ft wide dish that has appeared in many TV shows and movies like Contact, GoldenEye, and The X-Files. Name the Caribbean island where Arecibo is located.
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R3 Q1 Answer
Like on Earth, the colors of the flag on the Moon are likely now bleached by ULTRAVIOLET radiation. Because there is no atmosphere on the Moon, the bleaching process probably occurred faster on the Moon than on Earth.
R3 Q2 Answer
Charon, like the other four celestial objects that orbit Pluto, is still called a MOON. The New Horizon spacecraft is the only probe that has visited Pluto, and in 2015 discovered organic macromolecules on Charon’s north pole.
R3 Q3 Answer
Each Apollo moon landing had two astronauts walk on the Moon. Apollo 13 had an accident and did not attempt a Moon landing. Six Apollo missions had a successful Moon landing. Six times two is TWELVE (12).
R3 Q4 Answer
Biogenesis of America supplied players with HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE (HGH). Thirteen players were suspended, the most to be imposed simultaneously in the history of organized baseball.
R3 Q5 Answer
The FCC has been making room for 5G, the latest generation of cellular network technologies. For those of you who own TV antennas, you may have had to re-scan your channel settings to refind certain stations.
R3 Q6 Answer
In @StarTrek: The Original Series, Kirk would call his good friend Dr. McCoy by the name “Bones”, but the full word was SAWBONES, a rather gruesome nickname for doctors and surgeons first used in the 1800’s.
R3 Q7 Answer
@JohnCUrschel played for the BALTIMORE RAVENS. His latest manuscript is titled “Uniform Error Estimates for the Lanczos Method”
R3 Q8 Answer
PUERTO RICO is the home of the @NAICobservatory, where the Arecibo Radio Telescope was completed in 1963.
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FORENSICS: Omar Lopez is the current director of this criminal investigation agency serving a branch of the United States military. Name this agency.
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WOMEN IN STEM: The famous Chinese-American virologist Flossie Wong-Staal died on July 8th at age 73. She is best known for her pioneering efforts helping to identify the cause of what disease? Name the disease or virus.
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FOOD: In Thai cuisine, the incredibly aromatic leaves of the makrut fruit is often used in curries and other dishes. What type of fruit is the makrut?
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⚾️: When a pitch is thrown to minimize the spin of the ball in flight, the air flow over a seam of the ball causes it to transition from laminar to turbulent flow. This causes an erratic, unpredictable motion. What is this pitch called?
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BUILDINGS: You can see Moon rocks in museums, including the Kennedy and Johnson Space Centers. One piece of Moon rock, however, is in a US cathedral. Which US cathedral is this Moon rock in?
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HIGHER EDUCATION: President Kennedy made his famous “We choose to go to the Moon” speech on September 12, 1962. At what university, which now plays football in the Conference USA, did Kennedy deliver this speech?
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MOON: The Apollo 11 mission was not a sure thing. A memo called “In Event of Moon Disaster” was written for President Nixon to read if Armstrong and Aldrin died on the Moon. Which late NYT columnist wrote it?
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R4 Q1 Answer
IGFA stands for the International Game Fish Association, which certifies records for FISHING, or specifically SPORTSFISHING or ANGLING.
R4 Q2 Answer
R4 Q3 Answer
Flossie Wong-Staal has since become widely acknowledged as a co-discoverer of HIV as the cause of AIDS, and was the first scientist to clone HIV.
R4 Q4 Answer
The makrut lime is a type of CITRUS. The Thai name for this lime is “makrut”—however, the English name it was long referred to as is actually a racist slur against Black South Africans.
R4 Q5 Answer
This fluttering pitch is called a KNUCKLEBALL. The ball was originally held by the knuckles, but is usually held by the fingertips now. Only a few knuckleball pitchers are active at any time: currently Ryan Feierabend/Steven Wright.
R4 Q6 Answer
The CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF SAINT PETER AND SAINT PAUL IN THE CITY AND DIOCESE OF WASHINGTON, also called the Washington NATIONAL CATHEDRAL. Delivered by Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins, the rock sits in the “Space Window.”
R4 Q7 Answer
Kennedy compared asking why we should go to the Moon to why we should climb the highest mountain, or why RICE UNIVERSITY should play Texas. Now a lopsided rivalry, the two teams had split 5-5 in their previous 10 meetings.
R4 Q8 Answer
Author, columnist, journalist, and presidential speechwriter WILLIAM SAFIRE wrote the eulogy. The memo also called for a clergyman to conduct a public ritual similar to a burial at sea.
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